hi all! There's a building under construction that's visible through the window of Peter Cable's office (he's sihouetted against it). Can anybody (New Yorkers?) say if it's the World Trade Centre? Just curious...
That's a really, really funny question because each time I watch this movie, I'm trying to figure out A. What building is Peter Cable standing in and B. Your question...what building is under construction.
Regarding your question, it's either the Trade Center OR (more likely) a building called One Liberty Plaza which was/is directly across the street from the Trade Center. It replaced the Singer building. The Singer building was torn down in 1969 and One Liberty Plaza was built during 1970 when this film was being shot in Manhattan. So was the Trade Center but from the many times I've seen "Klute" and from working downtown many years, I think that's it. The problem is Pakula's direction is so minimalist that he doesn't give a viewer much of a chance to figure out the sites in Manhattan.
Wow! Thank-you, I really appreciate your reply. Constructing the towers must have been an extroadinary enterprise and something that's taken on its own special significance in the meantime...I always feel as though I'm on the lookout in films from that era. Are there, to your knowledge, any other movies that feature the construction of the towers, or where the insides of the towers were used as location? Thanks once again.
here's a great site... there's a still where it shows the construction of the WTC towers from peter cable's office window. such an amazing glimpse into 1970s NYC...