Is this one any good? I would like to know if it's worth buying it for other reason than obvioulsy Caine
"You're out of order! The whole trial is out of order! They're out of order!"
"Forget about it"
Is this one any good? I would like to know if it's worth buying it for other reason than obvioulsy Caine
"You're out of order! The whole trial is out of order! They're out of order!"
"Forget about it"
It's a relatively slow paced film, but I loved it, Caine is once again amazing. A tough exterior but a soft hearted Alan Brec, a parody which Caine pulls of particularily well. A good story as well, not really about the kidnapping more about the Scottish Spirit and independance streak that all Scottish people seem to have. I would recommend that you buy it. As the reviewer said, it is a hugely underrated film and deserves a rating higher than a lowly 5.9.
shareNot bad at all-a fine gallery of English and Scotch character players, lovely scenery, teenage love affair and characteristic 70's colour film.
Marlon the Cat 1991-17th October 2005
Vivien Heilbron, yes. But what about her sister, Lorna? As I recall she looks almost identical, was Avon's girlfriend in Blake's 7, and was Peter Cushing's daughter in 'The Creeping Flesh'. Or possibly Lorna and Vivien are the same person, I don't recall. Anyway, Lorna was married to poor old Nicholas Clay. Sad, he departed young. Perhaps you might try and console her, Squeeth?
Yes it’s very good.