MovieChat Forums > The Hospital (1972) Discussion > Do you have your Blue Cross number?

Do you have your Blue Cross number?

My favorite part in The Hospital is Frances Sternhagen's scene as Mrs. Sally Cushing, hospital account. Her wandering from patient to patient in the ER asking if they knew their Blue Cross or Blue Shied insurance number while they lay in pain and misery. It's hysterical when she says the immortal line; "I know you doctors are the angels of mercy and I'm just the bitch from accounting but I have a job to do to!" A classic!


I havn't seen this movie in such a long time. It's never on T.V. Thanks for recounting that scene. It made me laugh. P.Cheyvsky was such a visionary. Things he wrote about really did come true.


I just saw this on PBS this morning.. Good Movie


My favorite Blue Cross related line was this:

Mrs. Cushing: I think one of your patients is dead, Dr. Spezio.

Dr. Spezio: Why do you say that Mrs. Cushing?

Mrs. Cushing: Because he wouldn't give me his Blue Cross number, Dr. Spezio.


Priceless dialogue. Blue Cross should use it in their commercials!


So many of us miss that Blue Cross/blue Shield was the only game in town back then, similar to AAA Insurance. Look at the road maps now.

If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world
