What is Harold holding?

Up the top of the page where it has a row of pictures, if you click to view them there is a specific picture (when I looked it was number 11 out of 36) where both "Harold and Maude" are standing in front of a very large camera. Harold is holding what looks to be a cell phone up to his ear. Could this be? This was released in 1971. Even if they had early cell phones, I don't believe it would be that small. What do you think it is?

I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, the sinners have much more fun. B. Joel


Cell phones or mobile phones as they are called in Australia have been around since the early 1980's. Even though the first cell phone call was made in 1973 from a prototype model. Wikipedia will give you more information.

My best bet is, it is either a transistor radio or a walkie talkie. Though, I'm not sure of why he would have a transistor radio on set? A walkie talkie might be used for taking directions from the director?


Possible, though it is so small. That is a good theory though, if there was a lot going on in the scene and he wasn't going to be near the director, that may have been a tool they used.



I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, the sinners have much more fun. B. Joel


Small transistor radios were very popular at that time. To listen with the volume turned down you would hold it up to your ear. This was prior to the Sony Walkman or MP3 players.

