MovieChat Forums > Harold and Maude (1971) Discussion > Tried twice to get into the this movie b...

Tried twice to get into the this movie but just can't.

I enjoy indie flicks and I can even appreciate a few super weird indie flicks but this one just didn't hold my interest. I think I got as far as Harold and Maude driving around together after a funeral? I don't remember exactly. I do remember that I wasn't engaged in the characters or the whimsy of their cinematic world. This will just have to be one I miss out on.


Yet you came here to post that. Interesting, perhaps you wished we would talk you into giving it another chance?
I think it appeals to me more because of when I saw it as well as the story.
During the college existentialist years. (Still an existentialist!) With like minded friends and discovery indie and foreign movies.
We used to check out movies and even the projectors/screens from the library and have movie nights, I am sure this was one of them.



I think its because you can't relate to the characters. Whether someone can relate and see their selves in a character in a movie has such a huge impact on whether they like a movie or not. Also whether you can relate to what the subject matter is as well. So I think you can't get into the movie because you can't relate to the characters or what they're going through. I instantly fell in love with the movie and I think a lot of that had to do with being depressed and suicidal before and having a similar family situation and social situation. So I saw a lot of myself in harold so it was really therapeutic for me to watch. So if you like the directing style of this movie but can't relate to the subject matter then I would try another one of his movies he's done. Or try a similar style movie but with different subject material. I would look up on the internet a list of movies that are 70s indie or minimalistic romance to find a similar movie you might like better.


It's not for everybody. No great movie is.
