Maude's tattoo

I couldn't make it out, but I was wondering if the tattoo was a number. As in, her number from a Nazi Prison camp. She said she'd lived in Vienna in early life. It certainly would explain a lot. Anyone know?

"What rotten sins I've got working for me. I suppose it's the wages." -Bedazzled (1967)


Yes, Maude's tattoo was a number. Not that she says anything about her tattoo but I believe she had been in a Nazi Prison Camp. The main reason being, that such a tattoo was used as an ID for all prisoners.


Actually the tattooing of prisoners was done only at Auschwitz prison camp and Auschwitz II (Birkenau).
I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, the sinners have much more fun. B. Joel


Thanks, "birdwhoswims" I didn't know that... I had thought that the tattoos were common for all Nazi prisoners.


You're welcome. I always did too until someone mentioned otherwise so I looked into it and they were right.

I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, the sinners have much more fun. B. Joel


...she seemed to speak more about politics than religion, so were political dissidents also tattooed or does the tattoo mean she is Jewish?

If I've never seen it before, it's a new release to me!


I doubt most people would know such specifics about who got numbered and who didn't. Besides, who says she wasn't in the tattoo camp? It was a good way to get the point across that she had survived the nazis.
She'd probably lost her taste for religion after nazi camps and decided to focus on real things/people/politics. My guess.

"What rotten sins I've got working for me. I suppose it's the wages." -Bedazzled (1967)


The first people sent to the concentration caps (before they had the death camps) were political prisoners--mostly Communists and Socialists.
The Nazis continued to bring political prisoners to camps and eventually sent them to death camps, along with Jews, Homosexuals and Roma (Gypsies) and others.
Jews represented a majority of people sent to Death Camps, but there were significant numbers of other people as well.


I had a gal in a bar slap me in the face once because I told her that the only people that have a 'legitimate' reason for having a tattoo are Jewish Holocaust survivors; and there aren't a whole lot of them left alive!


I agree. It definitely explains her desire to enjoy every moment of life that she can.
I'm glad I saw your post; I thought I just imagined that I saw her tattoo.
