Book or Film first??

Would you reccomend to read the book or watch the film first?

FYC: Sam Riley
FYC: Control
FYC: Samantha Morton


Either way is fine. I saw the film first and then read the book. You will get a lot of great back story in the book because they did not film the first 1/3 of the book. Two other adaptions that did not film the first 1/3 of the book that also turned out well are Midnight Cowboy and Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz. All 3 of these films would have come in at 3 hours if they had adapted the entire book.


The Book Is amazing, It allows your mind to create the images, However the film was so close to the book I wasnt or at all disapionted. It was great seeing the imagery put to film. Only wish it were avalable on DVD.


Definitely read the book first.

"What does it matter what you say about people?"


Well, I'd say the opposite!

See the film first and just savour the atmosphere it creates, then read the book to fill in the gaps..

But it is not an easy movie, and some people are confused by it. If you have difficulty keeping track of things and understanding fairly subtle indications of things, then read the book first.

"great minds think differently"


As the film is virtually unavailable in the U.S. I read the book first.

Maybe this will end up in the Criterion Collection? Wouldn't that be nice? By the time I finally get to see this film my expectations will be so high that disappointment will be inevitable.

"Remind me to tell you about the time I looked into the heart of an artichoke."


"By the time I finally get to see this film my expectations will be so high that disappointment will be inevitable."

I hope not. I read the book first, loved it, then saw the movie, loved it just as much. The movie follows the novel very closely.


The book lives more in my memory. I've probably seen the film two or three times on TV, and I don't really remember it at all. Make of that what you will.

I should warn you -- he's a Fourierist.
