Which DVD is Which?

My film club at my university is showing 'Duck, You Sucker' but I'm not sure which version the professor has. I personally have the 2-Disc Collectors edition, rated R, and released by MGM in 2007 with James Coburn on the front holding up a gun (found here: http://www.amazon.com/Sucker-Fistful-Dynamite-2-Disc-Collectors/dp/B000OPOANO/ref=pd_cp_d_0 ). I know there's one that's apparantly 157 minutes but rated PG that came out in 2008 ( http://www.amazon.com/Duck-You-Sucker-Fistful-Dynamite/dp/B0014BJ1DQ/ref=pd_cp_d_2 ).
Could she have any other copies? And what's the difference between them (does the PG one have any parts removed)? Any help would be appreciated.

Liberty Valance is the toughest guy south of the Picket Wire, next to ME



Dear habde, I would like to buy a copy of "Duck, You Sucker" on Amazon, but I do not know which DVD to buy. I don't know if you ever found out what the differences were between the 2008 and 2-Disc 2007 edition, but if you did, could you tell me what the major differences are? Or which version you think is better? Thanks!


I'm very happy with the 2-disc copy I mentioned. For some reason, Amazon displays the run time as 138 minutes while I think it's actually a full 157. Meanwhile, the second version I linked to above says 157 minutes on Amazon, but it's rated PG which makes me assume it has things cut out (no fun!).
I'm pretty sure the 2-disc version has nothing cut out. It's rated R and includes the curses (there's not many, anyway) and scenes in their full length (including the three minute flashback in the end) which are usually cut down.
In addition, there's really wonderful commentary by Sir Christopher Frayling (film historian and Leone's biographer) and the second disk has special features.
If you're a Leone fan like me, this film can easily surprise you but doesn't disappoint at all.

Liberty Valance is the toughest guy south of the Picket Wire, next to ME


I decided to go with the 2-Disc. Thanks for your help!
