I'm glad I gave it a second chance
I'm generally a very open minded person who is hard to offend, and I get annoyed with people who hate on things just because it disagrees with their personal beliefs. I generally like to push my personal boundaries and expand my tastes whenever possible.
This is probably the first movie I ever turned off because it offended me at first. I lasted 20 minutes until I just couldn't. It was too disturbing. I never understood the charges that movies like American Beauty or Fight Club were morally repugnant, but The Clockwork Orange was just a whole different animal.
I returned back to the movie a week later, watched the whole thing and I ended up really liking it. The whole bizarreness of the movie (the atmosphere, the sounds, the dialogue, etc.) just needed time to sink in. I know that a lot of fans didn't like this movie when they first saw it, so I'm not alone.