I'd write a full review but...
probably has been done better. So, just thoughts.
Well, maybe. I saw this when it first ran in theaters. A completely depressing film that to this day I'm not sure I could stand to watch again. Mind you, well made. I still vividly remember parts of it 40 years on. Just...Oh, god. There's that part near the end where Sandy (Garfunkle) shows up and is still skinny, yet is sporting something close to pregnancy. Or perhaps he had just swallowed a basketball. I was horrified. Guess what. I am now of that age, skinny...fill in the blanks. I highly recommend this film, but with reservations because a whole lot of people do NOT like being slapped in the face. This thing is a downer. But if you have the stomach for it, I highly recommend. Mind you, I haven't seen it in 42 years, but it left...scars.