Blast From the Past….
This movie is, I swear I must have seen all my Hammer movies when I was just a child. This is when I saw movies of this type around that time growing up in the 70’s when all of this was on…TV. This movie must have been on a ton back then, no nude parts of course, heck I didn’t even know they existed until recently. Ironically with the advent of cable, one would think you would catch these films more but thats proven not to be the case.
What I want to know is was Angel & the rest of them already like that to begin with? Meaning where they practicing witchcraft, worshipping the devil, stuff like that or was it only upon the discovery of the skull in the field that turned them like that, possessed them if you will? In her very first scene, she seems kinda normal & non Angel like, horsing around with that other kid, no big eyebrows then, nothing of the sort which is why I’m asking. But you see her reveal more of herself in the first scene in the church.
As far as that priest goes, I kinda feel bad for that guy, because even when Angel strips for him, it’s not with the intention of getting down, it’s to entice him to “play some games” which we know what she means but he got cheated for sure. Being tempted isn’t what it used to be when its for a dumb reason. Did she give Cathy/Kathy that “skin” just by staring at her? I”m foggy on that point. She was a killer, it’s a wonder why any of the coven trusted her at all.
She’s not very intelligent, she had to have known Margaret would’ve ratted her out big time, especially since she herself was the one who sold her down the river by leaving her for the dogs & the witch hunters. There was no guarantee that the dogs or the men were going to do anything to Margaret & that she would eventually talk & that Angel would be busted big time so didn’t she even think about that?
She could’ve at least released her, helped her & then killed her later but hey that’s the plot sooo. The way she died was so unsatisfying & anti climatic. It’s been a damn long while since I last seen this, it came off as kinda boring, well now it does.
Among many circles this is a much ballyhooed film that is built up to the nth degree but the character of Angel Blake I found to be “bleh”. She’s really a lackluster figure in this & not a standout at all except for the sumptuous nudie part but that’s it. What was the main attraction anyway? Her part wasn’t acted that good & what she had to do & say in this film really wasn’t much of anything but ok. But I’m glad that Shudder had it uncut. Nice trip down memory lane.