Questions About His Backstory.
What was the movie that explained some of Billy’s backstory? Remember a movie that showed him in his army days in the war where he was part of a massacre where there were people herded into a ditch by US soldiers & they were going to open fire on everyone in it. Remember being shocked that Billy could be a part of something like that. Maybe this is what made him fight for peace when he came out, I don’t know.
Also I remember watching a movie where Billy goes into this cave & faces some kind of “test” where he faces off against a demon & he can’t show fear no matter what or he would be killed. At the time I was thinking “What is this sh!t?” But it was interesting.
Really don’t remember a whole lot when it comes to Billy Jack but what can I say? It was part of my childhood.
Regarding the song: “One Tin Solider” the cover by Coven, I read somewhere that it was slang for a solider in uniform that refuses to fight. Can any veterans on here confirm this for me? It’s a pretty interesting thing to learn if it’s true. How far back does the phrase go? Thanks.