Bernard's Rifle

Was that a Mannlicher-Carcano? ;)


Probably not. It was either a Remington or a Winchester. It was a current (1971) rifle.


winchester model 70 with a redfield scope.

definately NOT a manlicher-carcano 7.65

BTW why would you suppose, with all the bolt rifles in the world, that it would be the same as one of the guns used to assasinate kennedy ?

I'm completly out of ammo. That's never happened to me before.



abraham zapruder filmed the shooting on 8mm film. The warren committee used that film to tie the chain of events together. unfortunately for the warren committee it also means they have to endorse the "magic bullet" theory and they lose it there.

do your own research.

the same people that got rich off vietnam are getting rich off iraq.

don't fall for their version.

I'm completly out of ammo. That's never happened to me before.



The conditions have been replicated many times, by many different folks. They all came to the same conclusion:
There was one shooter.

There have been many attempts at the same shooting accuracy, by both camps, but no one has ever duplicated the "magic bullet" theory endorsed by the warren commish. was the FBI able to do the same miraculous shooting the assasin did? yes, eventually. but they couldn't get the results of the bullet path trajectory in any of the itterations. the warren comish stated that proof was possible only in laboratory conditions and couldn't actually name a time or lab where the results occured. seems if they went to that amount of trouble they would have at least had a copy of the report available for perusal.

>the same people that got rich off vietnam are getting rich off iraq.<
What does this have to do with the Kennedy assassination (or Billy Jack)?

The only reason to kill kennedy was to START vietnam, JFK was a true beleiver, he wanted out of vietnam, he had been burned by the bay of pigs and wanted to stay clear of entanglements. this has nothing to do with billy jack.

Were the moon landings faked too, or can I "fall" for that version??????

the apollo moon landings were shot on a sound stage in santa barbara, calif. before the landing occured in the event that the cameras went haywire or whatever. with the expected media coverage it seems to make sense to plan for contingencys. what is not said is that a lot of the "footage" of the space walk beamed around the world as a live news event was studio footage, including "live" shots where there is no one outside the lunar module to move the camera and moonwalkers walking past a "b" camera that wasn't accounted for by nasa.

not saying moon landing was fake, just really odd.

I'm completly out of ammo. That's never happened to me before.



The CIA still has JFK's brain (in a jar) in the national archives.

The russian space walk WAS filmed entirely on a sound stage, who cares where. the russkies have never had a successful RETURN of cosmonauts. Ever see "capricorn 1" It's the same, but it's the russians, NOT the US.

The russkies sent up a live dog named 'laika' into orbit, but whats not mentioned is that they never planned to bring her down, she suffocated in space. Same as the US when they shot monkeys into space. Such is the price of science. (i'd probably feel different if I was the monkey).

the reds were nowhere near sophisticated as the US even though they had the sputnik satellite up first, it was about as complicated as a CB radio.It should have been called "sputnik II" they tried several times. They never really recovered from igor sikorsky's defection to the US in the 1940's.

What set the US apart was the space flight and moonwalk by people that lived to tell about it. The reds stopped sending people up after the first few attempts went up in flames. the first tests exploded somewhere in flight, the next few tests crushed the cosmonauts due to high G-forces. (the russian spacecraft were more like bullets than controlled flight.) They finally got someone in orbit that lived to tell it (yuri gegarin ?) but never repeated it and many of the russian scientists think THAT was faked too. The reds would just pull the cosmonauts out beofre the rocket launch and hide them and then spirit them to where ever the rocket landed for a very carefully staged "return" to the earth. The reds had total control over the media and areas where the re-entry module would fall. it would be easy to do.

I'm completly out of ammo. That's never happened to me before.
