I hate hippies but Billy Jack is one of my ten favorite movies ever.
I can understand how some people can greatly dislike the Billy Jack films. Most people are status quo and uncomfortable with anything that disturbs it. People like that probably won't even truly understand what I am talking about in this post.
I don't like the whole hippie thing and I am a believer in violence. I feel it is human nature and should be embraced rather than hidden or eliminated. I also believe in hate. I feel it is just as valuable as love. In order to be capable of real love, you have to be capable of real hate. I am a great lover and a great hater. If you have difficulty hating then you will not be a good lover. This stupid little urban cliche about "haters" is pretty amusing. It is the modern hippie method. Try to make people feel self conscious for something perfectly natural.
Make peace WITH war. Because it will always be around. We are simply animals who have learned to stand up, walk and spread our *beep* in an ever more technologically savvy fashion.
This may give you a little background why I may be an unusual staunch supporter of these movies. They just have balls in a way nothing else has. If you don't understand what I mean, then that likely proves you have no balls. Women...well you can have balls too so this isn't sexist.
I like the concept of the freedom school, there are a lot of kids that could benefit from something like that. I am not really fond of some of the hippie music in there and some of the improv goes on a little long, but the concept is good and the chicks are hot.
I like the directness that many of the "harsher" topics were dealt with. If you had trouble with the beatings and rapes or killing of "authority" figures then grow a pair and try not to be so sensitive.
I also like the anti-government sentiments because I feel a lot of these things even now and I wasn't even alive when this movie was made. Things in D.C. never did improve. They are still trying to brainwash us every day, no matter what shade of flesh of the man in the oval office. They are all goons, puppets. By voting, you are advocating just another merry band of terrorists and you become a murderer by proxy. Think you are making a change? This isn't light bulbs or diapers. Only way to fix this is by destroying it and then rebuilding. Revolution...just as Jefferson advocated for every generation. These films have a revolutionary spirit and are likely too difficult to handle on that level for most spineless Americans.
The choice of acting "style" lends more to the quality of the movies in my opinion. It is more in the realism area, dialog that flows in a more brutal and somewhat unflattering way instead of the hollywood perfect style.™ I think there may have even been a good deal of ad-libbing which I appreciate. It gives the movie a certain energy.
The character of Billy Jack also happens to be one of the coolest I've ever seen. I kind of identify with him because he also tends to use violence as an answer first before asking too many questions. It is difficult to remain calm and achieve serenity when we feel things as deeply as we do.
Tons of classic moments. Straight talk, telling the CEO of the town how he will knock him out before he does it. He was actually somewhat patient with Bernard and only cranking up the violence incrementally, almost like he was hoping the prick would straighten himself up. I love how Billy Jack just happens to show up so often when someone is being a colossal ass and deserves a beating. That is the Indian spirits working I suppose.
Anyway, what was the original point I was going to make? Oh yeah, this movie is awesome...coming from a hippie hater.