MovieChat Forums > Billy Jack (1971) Discussion > Billy Jack: Cult Classic

Billy Jack: Cult Classic

I totally love Billy Jack. I was just wondering if there was anyone under the age of 25 that's seen this movie. I'm fifteen and I'm the only person in my highschool whose seen it! Literally (I mean besides the teachers). Lets pass Billy Jack on to other generations like mine! PEACE



thanks for the idea. i'm pretty sure as a freshman they'll let us watch it without permission though. we get to watch stuff like the newer version of sleepy hollow with johnny depp, and frankinstien starring robert de nero (awsome movie by the way) and those to films are filled with gore.



It's available in the 2/$11.00 bin at Walmart. That's where I got my DVD copy.

This movie is one of my favorites. Saw it with my best pal (and my younger brother) at the local theatre probably in the Summer of 1973 on it's re-release. The song "One Tin Soldier" was all over the radio too.

Sure it's dated but it's also a time capsule. Check out the fashions, the hair-dos and the vehicles. And sure it's violent, but for me that's ok because Billy is a former elite soldier and half Indian. Both identities connote violence. In all cases, Billy Jack is responding to some provocation, so it's justified.


Hi You Guys!
Boy it's good to see a couple of (young) people taking an interest in Billy Jack! You may want to visit It's the Official Billy Jack site run with the permission of Tom Laughlin, BJ's creator. In addition to being a forum for Tom's causes and beliefs, it's also a place for BJ fans to gather and get to know one another. In the chatroom look up Brad, KD, or Abby, and tell 'em Chuck sent you! Many of the longtime chat veterans have actually met Tom Laughlin and Delores Taylor at fan gatherings and had pictures and autographs taken. And, every couple of months or so Tom himself schedules an online chat and takes questions from his many fans. As for what's happened to Billy---for several years Tom has been trying to get a new Billy Jack feature off the ground. Only a year ago Danny Devito's production company was set to get behind the new BJ film with none other than Keanu Reeves being involved. However some foriegn investors got their fingers into the deal somehow and Tom ended up fighting them in court over the right to the name Billy Jack. He refuses to let his character be usurped by a bunch of yahoos who just want to churn out some half-rate piece of action crap. As far as I know there is no new BJ flick on the horizon. Tom is however doing some political stuff related to the coming Presidential election that might become a film. As for Tom himself, he was diagnosed with cancer about two years ago but has recovered completely. In photos I've seen he looks spry and better than ever at the age of 72. Well fellow BJ fans I hope you see this---and feel free to write me, I love talking about movies in general and Billy Jack in particular! [email protected]


Hi Ms. Peel
I visit the Official BJ Website quite often, and sometimes Tom Laughlin shows up for a group chat, at which time the room is always packed. Right now the idea of a sequel/remake is on the back burner, and true the rights to the BJ name were pirated in a deal for a new movie, and Laughlin has been in court getting it back. The "BJ For President" project as far as I know is a documentary on the run for Pres by Laughlin himself, wherein he tried not so much to win an election as to get people focused on the issues and the process. Come see us in the BJ room sometime! Chuck


I'm 22, I saw Billy Jack when I was 18, after I watch the original Walking Tall, (not the ROCK version) the 70's version.
My mom got me into it. I was researching a hero who fights for the people, for my film project at the time. Walking Tall was it. Then, my mom mentioned Billy Jack, so I rent Billy Jack and enjoyed it and it was an important message movie. It was during the 60s-70s, where the youth,drug,women's and black movement and the Baby-Boomers.

It's time the make a new Billy Jack film, due to our issues with the politics today.

"Billy Jack is not just the One Tin Soldier, he is the AMERICAN BADA**"


I'm 22, and I saw this movie for the first time in high school, I think. Anyways, my brother gave it to my dad because he talked about getting it all the time but never did. I watched and, for some odd reason, loved it and have watched it a million times. It wasn't until I looked it up on here today that I found out that there are more Billy Jack films! How exciting! I must watch them immediately!


i saw it when i was 8. my dad saw it when it was in the theatres. it is one of his favorites. great movie


One thing thats been overlooked on this message board is how
adored Billy Jack was in the 70s. Every girl that saw
it was in love and most kids saw the movie multiple times.
We quoted it and knew it by heart. And no matter how bad it looks
today, it's still a great ending.

I'm not sold on Keanu Reeves for a remake however. Tom Laughlin


A remake of a cult film of this quality is not a great idea. The reasons should be obvious.
I saw this movie when I was about 11 and it stuck with mw ever since... this movie is now a part of my history.

I'll swallow your soul!
Liberals suck...


Reactionaries/conservatives/fascists suck even more.


Because all three are exactally the same, huh?

And regardless, I know they suck, hard, but I'll argue that (with the exception of facists) Liberals are far worse. Regardless, I'm here to discuss film, not politics (as anybody who argues politics I find to be a bit of an idiot because, as it appears, guess what? Political opinions don't mean *beep* ) and I merely stated my signature as such to see how many people would start getting defensive about it. So far, you're the third... hmmm...

I'll swallow your soul!
Liberals suck...


I haven't fully read each and every reply to this yet but i'm 28 and freaking love the movie and know a soon to be 21 year-old and a soon to be 23 year-old who also love Billy Jack.


My local television station would play Billy Jack on the late late movie. My older brother and cousins would rave about this movie, and I finally got to see it when I was like 8 or 9. I picked up the VHS a few years back, but have yet to get the DVD. I really love this movie.


Right on, patchofblue65! ;-) Great seeing young people who are into this movie. Regardless of contrary opinions, it holds up, is relevant, and has an inherent itegrity that many kids lock onto immediately, no matter what generation they are.


"Billy Jack" was a film that appealed to a younger demographic when it was initially released but I don't know any 20-somethings personally that have seen it. Pity. It's seriously dated but still quite fun

"There's my buttercup!"



I saw this movie in the theater when I was 15. I remember my dad didn't want me to see it and kept saying it was just a film about fighting. I could never figure out why he would judge a film without having actually seen it. Anyway, it has always been a favorite of mine. Yes, it is pretty dated and the hippie philosophy espoused by the film makers is pretty simplistic, but as story telling goes it is pretty good. I remember reading somewhere that this was the highest grossing independent film ever made.

I have also seen Born Losers (a prequel if you will to BJ), plus the Trial of BJ and BJ goes to Washington. While I enjoyed the martial art part of these, (see end of this post), the parts of the films that affected me the most are the parts when BJ is on his vision quest and learns about non-violence even in the face of extreme provocation.

I love memorizing and performing bits from movies and one time I was doing BJs little speech in the ice cream shop for some friends. When I said "I just go BESERK!" I executed a perfect spin kick and COMPLETELY took out a chairful of stuff behind me. Nothing too valuable was broken and we got a good laugh out of that.
