MovieChat Forums > Billy Jack (1971) Discussion > Chuck Norris or Billy Jack

Chuck Norris or Billy Jack

You've gott admit theyre both badass. But who would win in afight. Now I understand that both of them fight for liberty and would never think of opposing good, but for one second, lets pretend that each was under the impression that the other was whoring out little indian girls for drug money. Who would win..................................


Billy Jack of course.




Chuck Norris, but as Walker though.

"I'm equal to Superman"


Billy Jack might force Chuck Norris to drive his car into a lake..LOL!


Billy Jack, totally.

Chuck Norris is like a knockoff Billy Jack.



In 1995 near the start of the Interent and the WWW as we know, it Billy Jack badass Jokes began to surface and circulate. Chuck Norris went to the main servers and kicked those jokes right off the hard drives. There is no trace of them today and Tom Laughlin understands why he is still alive.


Chuck Norris is lame. Always has been, always will be. Barely did any movies worth seeing.

I may not know a lot, but I do know "a lot" is two words.


"If you can see Chuck Norris, Chuck Norris can see you. If you can't see Chuck Norris, you may be seconds away from death."

Seriously though, Chuck Norris is a real-life bada$$. Before he made movies, he used to fight in karate tournaments in the early days before there was safety gear or calls for "excessive contact." One of my karate instructors told me once that it was common to see competitors being taken to the hospital on stretchers during this era of karate competition.


Granted this is a very silly question, but, Chuck Norris is a real person, and Billy Jack is a fictional character who had stunt doubles in his films. Tom Laughlin and Chuck Norris, however...and I LOVE Billy Jack movies...Chuck Norris by far. He's far more advanced in martial arts training, and still trains to this day. Tom Laughlin, however, is not in the best of health and is about 80 now.


Chuck Norris is more the Deputy than Billy.


Since Billy Jack had a stand-in (Master Bong Soo Hon) do all his fight sequences, I would go with Chuck Norris who actually knows how to fight.

"An armed man is a citizen; An unarmed man is a subject.".


Jackpot....precisely correct!
