Anyone remember SNL's 'Billy Paul', with Paul Simon?
A great take on the film. Paul Simon plays the role quite well, if memory serves.
Plus, Billy Paul being a well known recording artist at the time was a good pun.
A great take on the film. Paul Simon plays the role quite well, if memory serves.
Plus, Billy Paul being a well known recording artist at the time was a good pun.
Just saw Billy Jack again, a remastered edition and wide screen. I remember a the tv network had just shown Billy Jack on tv in the 70s, and then SNL came on and there was Paul Simon doing the ice cream shop scene. They announced this was Billy, not the one that sang "Me and Mrs. Jones", but a hero for the people. The skit ended with him holding an ice cream cone with a rainbow of colors and flavors.
And then...."Live from New York! Its Saturday Night Live!"
Gosh, but its fun to watch Billy Jack every few yeas or so!
I recently loaned my copy to a co-worker, and he returned a few days later with a massive grin and only one word:
Yep, remember it well.
Love's turned to lust and blood's turned to dust in my heart.
I loved that. Best line was from John Belushi as Bernard: "Hey, Luke.. where's the flour you keep around to degrade all members of the non-white race?" Gilda Radner was great with physical humor (as usual), and nobody did the earnest hippie-chick schtick quite like Lauraine Newman.