A couple of questions and THAT dream sequence...
I watched this movie last night for the first time, solely as Geraldine Page is in it and absolutely loved it.
Wonderfull performances by all, special note to Mae Mercer, LOVED Hallie.
Anyway, I have a question, towards the end when McB's is drunk and he comes into the kitchen with Martha's locket and letters, he says at one point something along the lines of:
"...somebody who's own bother left because..."
and then he was cut off by Amy showing him Randolph.
Does anybody know or pick up what he was going to say or is it meant to be ambiguous?
Also, did Hallie know about Miss Martha's relationship with her brother?
Now the dream sequence, not exactly a question but something i felt i needed to say.
Initially, when the scene first came on, I couldn't make head nor tale's of it. I didn't understant what was going on partly due to the hazy screen and partly as it seemed the 3 had somehow developed scales!
Then when I realised precisely what was going on, I literally had to pause the screen, turn away and shout 'OH MY GOD!'.
Not because I'm a prude as I'm so not! But due to the shock of seeing GP do a scene like that. What with her only very recently been brought to my attention, I've only seen her in 'Sweet Bird of Youth', 'Interiors', '...Aunt Alice', 'Trip to Bountiful' and this, so whilst she was not so different in the sense of her repression, Martha had completely different layers altogether. Would love to see her in more films though.
Anyway, apologies for my ramblings, once I got over the whole shock of seeing this, I was mightily impressed with all three actors.
It was an extremely risque scene even for the early 70's and was played out in a somewhat beautiful and artistic manner. And the fact that it was a threesome without the need to bare breasts and what-nots gave the scene much more a magnetic quality. Does that make sense? I, personally, was just so drawn to it. And the kissing between Martha and Edwina was done very tastefully, no vulgar licking of faces our mouths wide open. Instead very gentle and oddly erotic( at least my bf thought so- he thought it would be a western-type too when I mentioned Clint Easwood, lol. Was he in for a surprise!)moment.
Well that's me had my piece!
I would be ever so gratefull for replies or answers to my questions and just general feedback!
Thanks very much folks!