MovieChat Forums > The Beguiled (1971) Discussion > A couple of questions and THAT dream ...

A couple of questions and THAT dream sequence...

I watched this movie last night for the first time, solely as Geraldine Page is in it and absolutely loved it.

Wonderfull performances by all, special note to Mae Mercer, LOVED Hallie.

Anyway, I have a question, towards the end when McB's is drunk and he comes into the kitchen with Martha's locket and letters, he says at one point something along the lines of:

"...somebody who's own bother left because..."

and then he was cut off by Amy showing him Randolph.

Does anybody know or pick up what he was going to say or is it meant to be ambiguous?
Also, did Hallie know about Miss Martha's relationship with her brother?

Now the dream sequence, not exactly a question but something i felt i needed to say.
Initially, when the scene first came on, I couldn't make head nor tale's of it. I didn't understant what was going on partly due to the hazy screen and partly as it seemed the 3 had somehow developed scales!
Then when I realised precisely what was going on, I literally had to pause the screen, turn away and shout 'OH MY GOD!'.
Not because I'm a prude as I'm so not! But due to the shock of seeing GP do a scene like that. What with her only very recently been brought to my attention, I've only seen her in 'Sweet Bird of Youth', 'Interiors', '...Aunt Alice', 'Trip to Bountiful' and this, so whilst she was not so different in the sense of her repression, Martha had completely different layers altogether. Would love to see her in more films though.

Anyway, apologies for my ramblings, once I got over the whole shock of seeing this, I was mightily impressed with all three actors.
It was an extremely risque scene even for the early 70's and was played out in a somewhat beautiful and artistic manner. And the fact that it was a threesome without the need to bare breasts and what-nots gave the scene much more a magnetic quality. Does that make sense? I, personally, was just so drawn to it. And the kissing between Martha and Edwina was done very tastefully, no vulgar licking of faces our mouths wide open. Instead very gentle and oddly erotic( at least my bf thought so- he thought it would be a western-type too when I mentioned Clint Easwood, lol. Was he in for a surprise!)moment.

Well that's me had my piece!
I would be ever so gratefull for replies or answers to my questions and just general feedback!

Thanks very much folks!


Did you see the film on DVD? The DVD provides subtitles of the dialogue.

And, yes, the film was daring for its time or any time.


And it was especially daring for a huge Hollywood superstar such as Eastwood. I can't think of many (or any) stars of his magnitude who have selected such an unheroic role (veering between deceitful macho misogyny and crippled emasculation) and such a bizzare, macabre story.


Hi Joe,

Yes I bought the DVD and used the subtitles but even there, the dialogue is cut off and it is now just comepletely niggling at me!

I was disappointed though, that the DVD (at least the one I have) has no extras; simply the movie, scene selection and options for subtitles.

Och well! Can't moan too much, the movie is fantastic in itself!



Doesn't the DVD feature the original theatrical trailer? I think that the Region One version contains it, but I'd have to check my copy to be sure.

But indeed, the film deserved some sort of documentary/interview treatment, and moreover, Eastwood directed a "short" about Don Siegel during the making of the film (his first directorial piece of any kind). Universal absolutely should have placed that historical item on the DVD.


He's suggesting an incestuous relationship between martha and her brother. I think the illicit tryst is hinted at earlier in the film through a flashback.


I think the illicit tryst is hinted at earlier in the film through a flashback.

Definitely; it's more than a hint.


Having watched it again since that posting... I'm compelled to agree with you! If it's a hint then it's a hint for those with attention deficit disorder...


Gular-Scute wrote: "If it's a hint then it's a hint for those with attention deficit disorder..."

I gather it depends which version you saw. Apparently they cut a lot of the incestuous flashbacks for the TV broadcasts. In which case, there might barely be a hint left!


I can't think of many (or any) stars of his magnitude who have selected such an unheroic role ... and such a bizzare, macabre story.
Though a critical success in his home country, it was a commercial flop with little studio promotional support, yet extremely successful in parts of Europe such as France where it was greatly appreciated. One of the reasons I think for him later being awarded the Légion d'honneur and Lumière Award there.

Much as I like John Wayne, you could never quite imagine him taking on a role such as that of McBurney.


Actually, Eastwood contacted John Wayne about the two of them doing a movie together. Wayne, in a reply to him, very curtly dismissed it because of the cursing and the sexual images and gratuitous violence that Eastwoods movies had. He also HATED the "spaghetti westerns" that Clint made.

It doesn't seem that they ever had a good meeting in person. Too bad because they are the TWO iconic western actors of their respective eras.


I saw the movie yesterday. I thought that this man was Martha's "brother". For girls, she said that he was her brother, but actually he wasn't.


Exactly what i was thinking, in lots of Anime they refer to the landlord of the house as "mother" or "father", perhaps is similer? at least what i thought anyway. (could they even hint about insest in those days? especially in a region that was renouned for it APPARENTLY)


he's clearly her brother, and they clearly had an incestuous relationship. This doesn't really explain why he left, though.


I got the impression the brother split to avoid the whole "civil war scene".

If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions.


There's no doubt that they did have an incestuous liaison, alluded to in both flashbacks and letters. But McB's truncated outburst: "Whose own brother left because..." suggests the reason was more personal than contemporary draft dodging. Did she insist on continuing an incestuous liaison against his wishes/become too possessive/manipulative? Did she eject him because he tried to rape Hallie? Was she even aware of the latter incident? The wording is deliberately ambiguous but, in my view, definitely hints at personal and quite disturbing motives.

And yes, this is one of the most avant-garde, risque, and plain weird movies of all times, and way, way ahead of its time. Eastwood took a huge career risk which perversely paid off in an cult/artistic sense, if not box-office success, and all power to him. It's one of *my* all-time fave movies as a big fan of the late great Geraldine Page (check out her daughter Angelica Torn in The Sixth Sense) plus the Gothic genre. Put the two together and it's an unbeatable combination.


The dream sequence in this movie was very haunting. I saw it when I was 13, and remembered it vividly ever since- as any teenage boy would. ;)



I think the music was superbly haunting and climactic. One of the best-put-together and moving/disturbing scenes in cinematic history.


You could be right. When they first brought McB to the school, he was lying on the steps with Ms. Farnsworth looking him over trying to decide what his fate. In the way that you could hear her thoughts she said something along the lines of "if this war goes on I'll forget what it's like to be a woman." Just a subtle clue maybe!


It is never really explained what happened to Ms. Farnsworth's brother--just that he left or disappeared.

I think it was made quite clear that Ms. Farnsworth and her brother were involved in an incestuous affair when she was younger--but we do not know if that is why he left. There is no indication of that being the reason he would leave.

It is also made very clear that Ms. Farnsworth's brother brutally raped Hallie.

I don't think it is ever clarified as to what Hallie or Ms. Farnsworth knew in regards to each other's pasts.

It is possible he may have disappeared because Hallie killed him following the rape--but that would be mere speculation on my part.


It is never really explained what happened to Ms. Farnsworth's brother--just that he left or disappeared.

Correct. Leaving it hanging heightens dramatic tension.

I think it was made quite clear that Ms. Farnsworth and her brother were involved in an incestuous affair when she was younger--but we do not know if that is why he left. There is no indication of that being the reason he would leave.

Correct to the first part. My post was clearly speculative about the second part.

It is also made very clear that Ms. Farnsworth's brother brutally raped Hallie.

Is it indeed? The only scene involving the two of them that I recall (did I see a cut version, I wonder?) shows her fending him off with a pitchfork. That could just as easily signify attempted rape, not actual.

I don't think it is ever clarified as to what Hallie or Ms. Farnsworth knew in regards to each other's pasts.

No it isn't. You are reading implied fact into what was clearly speculation on my part.

It is possible he may have disappeared because Hallie killed him following the rape--but that would be mere speculation on my part.

Yes, it would. And you still don't know it *was* rape. However, I think that the real reason for his disappearance *was* known and McB almost revealed it when reading out the letters. Clearly there would be no reference to his killing by Hallie in letters to and from the Farnsworth siblings, which I think pretty much rules out that theory, interesting though it is. I still say it related directly to Martha because my recollection (correct me if I'm wrong) is that McB says: "Whose own brother LEFT because..." (As opposed to disappeared unaccountably.)


I just rewatched the DVD and it really *isn't* clear what happened to Miles, Martha's brother.

Edwina says he's "missing, presumed dead". Martha says he's "not here now and never will be" (for which reason she invites McB to stay on). And McB says, "whose own brother disappeared because..." Cue Randolph the turtle/terrapin's brutal demise, preventing the contents of the Farnsworth siblings' illicit love letters/reason(s) for Miles's absence being revealed to the gathered audience.

As for the attempted rape scene, Miles rips Hallie's top in the barn and she fends him off with a pitchfork. That seems to be the limit of it. Then, following McB's mean drunk stint after the amputation, saying he'll "start" with Hallie, she says, "then white boy, you better like it with a dead black woman, 'cause that's the only way you'll get it from this one," which again implies that Miles got no further than attempted rape.

There are 3 flashbacks in total of intimacy between Miles and Martha: two in bedrooms and one in a field. None of the flashbacks allude to what might have happened to him, and Martha's reflections on these scenes seem wistful and nostalgic. There is also an interesting comment from Hallie when she encourages the hesitant Martha to pull McB's pants off to dress his wounded leg, saying, "he ain't made no different than your brother", implying some sort of knowledge or suspicion of their incestuous relationship. This remark spurs Martha to the sharp retort, "I have asked you *never* to speak of my brother". Nor is there any further mention of him between those two.

Hallie later tells McB that Miles "finally got us separated" (meaning from Ben, her man but not 'rightly-married' husband) by deciding to "sell him off", prompting Ben to run away before this could happen, his whereabouts still unknown. McB cynically uses this knowledge to try to manipulate her into helping him escape early on, promising he'll try to find out what happened to Ben, even if he has to "go to General Grant personally".

On closer viewing, while McB isn't a sympathetic character, he's not exactly the devil in disguise either. He needs to survive, so he does what it takes to that end. One can excuse his self-serving liberties with the truth in such a hostile environment. The "hot girl" Carol adds to the powder keg by shamelessly manipulating him - he clearly is debating between Martha and Edwina's rooms when he feels Carol watching him from the stairs, whereupon he follows her up. Just prior to this he susses (and she confirms it) that she almost managed to betray him from jealousy to the Feds by tying the blue rag to the gate, and his escape is a narrow one indeed. Clearly ignoring her could be dangerous for him, even if he wasn't naturally attracted to her - and indeed, what straight man wouldn't be?

As for Martha's erotic dream sequence, I see what one poster meant about her, McB, and Edwina seeming to acquire scales! There's a weird herringbone/lattice effect present for whatever reason, but I didn't really notice it till it was pointed out, being so absorbed by the haunting church music of that bizarre yet tastefully 'arty' scenario.

Overall, a gem of a film in its own highly offbeat way and my opinion hasn't changed in the 20+ years since I first saw it. Kudos to Eastwood for departing from a more commercial path, and to a brilliant supporting cast, in particular the ever-dependable Geraldine Page who really brought Martha to life. (I much preferred the film to the somewhat meandering novel.) Someone also remarked on Mae (Hallie) Mercer's spirited performance, and I'm wondering why we didn't see more of her. (Oddly, the horse that pulled Martha's black buggy was referred to as Mae/May in the film, by Mae/Hallie herself.) I don't recall seeing Mae either before or since The Beguiled although IMDB says she was in Dirty Harry, Squint's follow-up film. Maybe we should start a MM appreciation society:-) Tragic about poor Elizabeth Hartman (Edwina) though: for those who didn't know, at 43 she committed suicide in a particularly unpleasant way (see her IMDB entry) three days before Geraldine Page's own untimely death (from a heart attack) in 1987, at just 62.

As I have mentioned on other threads here, fans of GP might want to see her daughter (by long-term husband Rip Torn) Angelica Torn in a somewhat sinister role in the highly absorbing and wonderfully acted "The Sixth Sense" (1999). Revealing more would be a spoiler so I'll leave it at that... Happy viewing:-)


It is never really explained what happened to Ms. Farnsworth's brother--just that he left or disappeared

After watching the film a second time a thought occured to me.

What if Martha killed her brother because of his decision to leave her? As others have pointed out, she seems wistful and nostalgic about their relationship but seems convinced that there is no way he's ever coming back. Why is she so convinced that she'll never see him again?

My thinking is, I find it difficult to believe that a Civil War-era Southern gentleman would just give up his house and plantation to his sister, for no good reason, especially with a war looming/going on. (It can't have been for her inappropriate affections because he was just as into everything as she was.) If he went off to fight in the war, or died a soldier's death, I think it would have been mentioned at some point in the film and if not, then why wouldn't he be on the plantation with Martha since times were so tough for the Confederates?

It's the way Geraldine Page's character is so certain that he won't be returning (enough to persuade Clint Eastwood's character to stay on and "take his place") that makes me think she knows he's dead.

Also, someone had to tell that little girl Amy about the poisoned mushrooms and it seems fitting that that person would be Martha. (For one thing she knows that Amy will know where to get the poison ones when she suggests the girl pick some for McB's special supper.) Perhaps she knows from experience?

Isn't it also interesting that whenever someone comments on Miles' disappearance they never really have the same story? It's either "he disappeared", "he left", or "he isn't here now". Seems suspicious imo. I wouldn't be surprised at all if she gave her brother a special supper.

I wonder if there is any clarification in the novel?


But during the confrontation between McB and Miss Martha, McB says, "Whose own brother left because..." followed by an incriminating silence that segues into Randolph the turtle's untimely demise. The implication is that perhaps Martha's incestuous affections had become cloying and driven her sibling away, and has the authority of being based on their private correspondence which McB has stolen. And judging from Martha's reactions, this accusation has struck a raw nerve. Maybe Miles was simply adamant that he never would return and she accepted this. Or indeed, the letters may only have revealed his intent to leave and she did, as you suggest, finish him off with a 'special supper'.


I have to agree with you. I always thought the two women together had killed him and said he 'disappeared'. I have the book, I'll have to read it and see if it says explicitly.


I don't know if you'll see this, since your comment is over a year old (I'm new to posting on the boards, so I don't know how that works....), but ANYWAY, if you can find "Summer and Smoke", I recommend it if you like GP. It's about 10 years earlier than "The Beguiled" and it's Tennesse Williams. Very good role for her and it has Lawrence Harvey as well (who I was in love with when I was 14, 15 years old...).


I too am about a year late to this party, but....

I haven't read the novel, so the reason for the brother leaving may be taken up there. If we go with just what's in the film (which I just got on DVD and watched last night), I'm betting that the brother's "pass" at Hallie caused problems in his incestuous relationship with his sister.

I read up a bit on Southern Gothic here:

Maybe the irony is that it challenges the notion of the dashing, courageous Southern gentleman that we see in the portrait with his sister. Incest and raping slaves, then running away---he's not exactly Ashley Wilkes.

I noticed, too, that when Clint got the gun and was in charge, he told Hallie that he'd been having bad luck and he'd heard that way to get past that was to be with a black woman. She refused and said something like, "You better want it with a dead black woman because that's the only way you're going to get it."

Rewinding, when Hallie had to shave him, there was some mild flirtation going on and it seemed like maybe she was interested. However, the attempted rape by Miss Martha's brother and comments Hallie made about men being men, about her own man having run off rather than be sold (Miss Martha's brother must have sold him off so Hallie would have no one to defend her).

Hallie she knows what makes the pot boil. Miss Martha has had her eye on McB and there's no way Hallie's going to incur the wrath of the lady of the house. Hallie's taking it all in, knows the girls are eyeballing McB, all that.

From Miss Martha's POV: her brother loved her but then went after a slave. Then he ran away. McB seemed about to pursue her, and she may have even known something was on between him and Edwina, but that would be fine for a threesome. When he's caught with Carol, however, she's jilted again. She fixes it so he can't run away like her brother did, and maybe she scored some points with Edwina to be converted into sex later on.


Very insightful and intelligently presented, "lobotomy". I really think you hit the nail on the head...



But during the confrontation between McB and Miss Martha, McB says, "Whose own brother left because..." followed by an incriminating silence that segues into Randolph the turtle's untimely demise. The implication is that perhaps Martha's incestuous affections had become cloying and driven her sibling away, and has the authority of being based on their private correspondence which McB has stolen. And judging from Martha's reactions, this accusation has struck a raw nerve. Maybe Miles was simply adamant that he never would return and she accepted this. Or indeed, the letters may only have revealed his intent to leave and she did, as you suggest, finish him off with a 'special supper'.

I agree that Miles's reason for leaving likely had to do with Martha being clingy (in addition to him probably feeling some level of shame) but I think that there's much to suggest that he never got around to actually leaving.

Again, it's the way Martha is so certain in her belief that he won't ever be returning (enough to persuade McB to stay on and "take his place") that makes me think she's certain he's dead. She's so wistful and sentimental about their relationship, keeping his love letters, daydreaming about their intimate moments, etc---Doesn't it seem as though a part of her would hold out hope that he might eventually return to his home some day if he really is indeed still alive?

Not to mention the fact that Miles seems to have barely taken anything with him. She still has clothes of his that are in good enough condition for McB to borrow. That doesn't sound like a man who got the chance to pack up for good. Especially as finances were likely tight with the war there/looming. And there's still no reasonable answer for why Miles would give up his own house and plantation to his sister. And why is there no mention of him being in the war? Might she have killed him before the war started?

Also, it's one thing that she has the knowledge about the poisoned mushrooms. I can buy her having been told in youth not to touch a certain kind. What I find harder to buy is how she has this absolute certainty that the mushrooms will be the best way to do in McB. How does she know that they'll really work unless she's seen an example of it? There were other alternatives to killing McB. (He might've been drugged with laudanum and then killed, bashed over the head while he was with one of the girls, whatever.) Using the mushrooms makes more sense than any of those methods of course, but didn't it seem as though Martha was perfectly confident in what to though she'd seen/done something of the sort before?

As far as Hallie, she tries again and again to persuade McB to leave once she sees how things are beginning to shape out. She knows Miss Martha better than anyone in that house and can see that McB is skating on thin ice. While Hallie clearly doesn't approve of McB's behavior post-amputation, I don't think she thought he deserved to die, and it's pretty apparent that she has a clear sense that Martha is being pushed to the edge.

I theorize that Hallie helped Martha bury Miles and that this is the deeper explanation for Martha's intense irritation when she says, "I have asked you *never* to speak of my brother." It isn't just about the incest. As far as Martha is concerned, I think she imagines that her relationship with Miles has remained private for all intents and purposes. Nobody significant ever found out. (Another reason why McB's public reveal of his knowledge of the letters is her breaking point. No one had *ever* called her out on her inappropriate relationship with Miles and this action finally makes her crack.)
I'm sure that Hallie knew and that Martha probably suspected that she knew all the time but didn't particularly care since she's a slave and virtually has no right to express a negative opinion on her master or mistress. Can't you just see them having buried Miles and then having Martha say something along the lines of "We will never, ever speak of this again, do you hear?" Martha of course would know that she could count on Hallie to keep her mouth shut as she had ever reason to hate Miles. Plus, even if Martha didn't know about the attempted rape (I doubt that she did) she would have had to have known about Miles' plans for Hallie's "husband" and that would have given her the necessary assurance to think that she could trust Hallie.


Excellent debate, GingerLee & Cyberonika providing very enlightening posts.

As Cyberonika said:

"Or indeed, the letters may only have revealed his intent to leave and she did, as you suggest, finish him off with a 'special supper'."

I believe this might be a plausible explanation. The dramatic irony is that McBurney threatens to reveal an illicit affair, but he is unaware of the fate, known by Martha and probably Hallie, of what happened to her brother, whose fate he eventually shares.

Is it also possible to surmise that Miles, like McBurney, exploited the sexual naivety of young girls? That if he was capable of assaulting Hallie, perhaps he could've abused girls under Martha's care.


Is it also possible to surmise that Miles, like McBurney, exploited the sexual naivety of young girls? That if he was capable of assaulting Hallie, perhaps he could've abused girls under Martha's care.

I kind of got the impression that Martha started the school after Miles left but I could be wrong. I assumed that she started the school in response to the lack of money the plantation was making due to the war.

If Miles was there when she started the school, I can definitely see her being jealous over any special attention that he might have given to any of her students. In fact, maybe his behavior is what led to their falling out.

I still lean towards the idea that she started the school after she killed Miles with the aforementioned "special supper".


The treesome scene in Ms. Martha's dream probably meant she had sexual fantasies not only for Clin't character, but also torwards young girls. That would make sense; Ever since her borther/lover was gone she was all alone sorrounded by only young attractive women.



Here is a possibility as well; Martha was in an incestuous relationship with her own brother, Miles rapes or attempts to rape Hallie, Martha discovers it and they both do him in in revenge. I think that is a plausible explanation for a lot.

Plus, this is a clue that no one has mentioned. When they are sowing up McB's body in the canvas bag, she knows a lot of how they should sow it up. Could she have had some experience on doing this with her Miles bag?? I dunno, but ...... COULD BE!!


I read all that thinking it was going to ask interesting questions. Yes you're right it's just rambling.
