Hey, remake this!

Every Hollywood cast of characters and script since 1988:
1 . Wise, educated, well-dressed, well-spoken black dude who overcomes racism.
2 . Generous, compassionate, friendly but discriminated homosexual (also educated, well-dressed).
3 . Evil white southern racist male (uneducated slob).
4 . Evil capitalist (also white southern male).
5 . Strong hot woman, looks like she has lifetime membership at Golds Gym who kicks every white guy's ass. She is also smarter than white males (see above).
6 . A child or children pondering why evil white characters want to destroy the earth, enslave blacks and kill homosexuals.
7 . White girl sexually infatuated with #1 above.(When he spurns her advances, she incites the evil white town to grab a rope).

I think I've just about covered it. It's 1984. It's all canned PC trash.
Clint was dominant and the girls desired him. That doesn't pass the PC test today. How on earth can they remake The Beguiled? Answers above.


They are. Sofia Coppola is remaking this with Nicole Kidman, Kirsten Dunst and Elle Fanning already attached. Supposedly, they are trying to cast Colin Farrell which I would assume for the role that was played originally by Clint Eastwood in this movie. Here is the article from Variety announcing the remake; http://variety.com/2016/film/news/sofia-coppola-beguiled-remake-nicole-kidman-1201741673/


I'll watch it only because I love Kirsten Dunst and think Coppola is a solid filmmaker, BUT—the 1971 version is absolutely flawless. One of the greatest films of all time.
