Hey Rats Have Feelings Too!
Did they revive the rats also? Enquiring minds want to know!
shareHey Rats Have Feelings Too!
Their just rats............
Better Living Thru Chemistry
THEY may be "just rats" but I'll bet THEY can grasp one of the most basic concepts of the English language!
Take a look at this:
There are some animals. Their tails are long. They're just rats.
Does that help?
"If you're trying to drive me crazy, I can walk from here!"
Who gives a rats ass about rats???????????
Better Living Thru Chemistry
Yeah, I love rats. My car runs on them. I get 10 miles to the rat. 12 miles if they're still alive when I throw them in the fuel chamber.
shareHhahaahahahahahahaahahah, yeah rats per gallon....I have a cat that runs on rats too.......
Better Living Thru Chemistry
I think you people have rats in the brain!
I do hope no rats or animals were harmed during the making of this movie. ??
sharePresumably not, as the BBFC passed it with no cuts (unlike The Abyss, where they imposed cuts on a scene with rats being put in water).
The rats seemed to pass out quickly, although the monkey did seem to suffer a bit, but hopefully they all survived...
Nope, the ASPCA was on location. The rats and monkeys were bobarded with CO2 to simulate death, and a Vet was there with oxygen to revive them immediately.
share> a Vet was there with oxygen to revive them immediately.
Where do you get this from?
The movie only said the Humane Society monitored the filming. They didn't approve it in the sense of no harm to animals. Subjecting a vertebrate to the stress of being axphixiated to unconsciousness one or more times is violence.
THEY may be "just rats" but I'll bet THEY can grasp one of the most basic concepts of the English language!
Don't even bother. Trying to teach grammar to the posters on IMDb is like trying to move Mount Everest with a spoon.
Thanks, Larry-115, for recognizing the point I was trying to make! I don't know why I was so surprised by the initial responses; I'm an educator at heart, so it's difficult to let such ignorance pass, but I'm learning to both ignore and let go, as tough as that is to do!
Your response, however, is greatly acknowledged!
"I thought I smelled gin and regret!"
what is an "educator at heart"? Is that someone who lives to correct others just so they can feel superior, or are they just too anal too resist? So glad to have you on board.
Kill all the rats!
What the $%*& is a Chinese Downhill?!?
In my case, an educator at heart is someone who taught English and grammar for a few years before moving on to better things (but who still feels an affinity toward educating anyone who cares to learn more about something worthwhile). In your case, pbl1, I'd guess that your Christmas sucked so much that you felt the need to come online and slam a complete stranger. What a happy life you must have!
I think it all the rest of US who are so glad to have YOU on board!
"I thought I smelled gin and regret!"
Only fools celebrate Christmas.
shareDon't you believe in Santa? Now that is just sad. You don't have to believe in any thing else, but you should believe in Santa Clause.
Not getting any presents from the jolly ol' man all those years must have made you bitter.
Maybe you only got coal or a bundle of switches. I got a bike, a GI Joe and a train, and one year my sister got two Barbies.
My G.I. Joe raped and killed my sisters barbies. Ken was never found.
shareMy English may not be as good as yours..I got your point...My point is, I do not care if they did kill a rat to make the movie....thank you for the English lesson, I will cherish it forever...LOL.....Can't stand PETA....
You Have a Hard Lip, Herbert..
Better Living Thru Chemistry
Thanks for the English lesson professor........screw them rats, and they're tails......
You Have a Hard Lip, Herbert..
Better Living Thru Chemistry
Actually its scientifically proven they dont.
shareWow, you're an idiot. Anything with a nervous system feels things.
sharehaving ability to feel cold or hot does not equal to having feelings such as hate compassion or frustration.
"Common sense is not so common."
- Voltaire
You're wrong. I stepped on a rat's tail once, accidentally or possibly on purpose, and when he looked at me, I could see burning hate in his eyes.
So I stomped him good, because I knew that it was him or me!
Oh, my God! They're turkeys!
Good thing, too. If you'd paused for even just a second, that rat would've stomped you, stomped your children and stomped your children's children! (assuming your children had children before they were stomped)
shareI totally agree. I thought the same thing when I read the "trivia" section. I'm not saying it's a tragedy for history or anything, but a rat probably has faculties not that different to a dog or cat. Just because they're small/considered varmints doesn't mean they're like, e.g., insects.
My point is that if doing this to a rat doesn't bother you, then you should feel the same way about it happening to a puppy or kitten.
P.S.: Although, honestly the cruel part is suffocating the animals to the point of unconsciousness for the purposes of special effect.
Let's put this into some perspective. They're rats.
The only purpose in life a rat has is to be eaten. It's a source of food for other predators.
While I might be bothered if a puppy or a kitten were treated like a rat in this film, at the same time I would also have the sense to know that it's just an animal. If it were MY puppy or kitten, or even a rat, and it was being done without my consent, then it would really bother me on various principles.
Personally, I rate human life higher on the pyramid. If I have to harm an animal in order that the results might be used in a manner that promotes the life of a human being in some way, then I'm harming the animal.
Well let me put it this way, my Rat trap will sure as hell kill them, and I for one will not in the least feel bad....
You Have a Hard Lip, Herbert..
Better Living Thru Chemistry