So whats the most rediculous self destruct disable mechanism ever to hit the screen? This one is probably the best, somewhere in the middle of a corridor at level 3 ... Yea id put a self destruct mechanism there aswell ... its perfectly logical, ... um, right?
_____________________ Any last words ? Shut the *beep* up -Mutant Chronicles-
Maybe not so ridiculous if you think about it. Consider that while the original specs for Wildfire called for three self-destruct stations per floor, maybe there also weren't any doors that sealed off the sections, either. Then, someone (like Arthur Hill) figures out that they need doors that seal off the corridors for more containment. But, in order to have that, they need two more disabling stations per floor.
Then, contractors responsible install those new containment doors before the guys who were supposed to put in the extra stations (because they figured it was way more important to have the containment doors than the disable stations). The whole process was delegated to someone far beneath Hill and, since they figured it wasn't likely they were going to be needing any of it anytime soon, they never told him about the sealing doors going in prior to the extra stations being completed.
The bottom line is that maybe the individual section containment sealing doors were as much of a new addition as the extra disable stations.