An explanation for why the buzzards didn't die
I've read the portion cited in the book that addresses this issue. The "fast breathing" seems to reference the belief that rapid respiration screws up your blood chemistry and kills Andromeda, as discovered later. But that's only plausible if rapid breathing is unnatural for an organism. So if the buzzards are breathing normally, and normal for them is rapid relative to us, then they shouldn't have been immune. Also, rats breath fairly rapidly, and they didn't do too well against Andromeda.
I have a simpler explanation: Buzzards are not rats or people. Maybe their natural metabolism makes them immune. This would make sense; perhaps Andromeda only affects mammals like rats, monkeys, and unfortunately humans. I'm also guessing that buzzards are even more immune than other birds because they eat carrion and can tolerate a certain amount of rotting food and conceivably other odd pathogens.
Anyway, it didn't affect my suspension of disbelief. When I saw this as a young lad I thought it was a recreation of real events.
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