Does a Wildfire facility exist?
Do you think the United States has a Wildfire type facility, as portrayed in this movie? If not, why not? What do you think would happen if one of our satellites or probes came back to Earth with a microbe like Andromeda Strain? How would we handle it?
In the movie, this whole thing was TOP SECRET!! But I have to wonder, why? I like the way, when they come to Stone's house and say, "there is a fire", and he can't even tell his wife. And later his wife tries to call her congressman/father to find out what is going on and she is cut off. That was all pretty cool. But is there really a need to keep it all so hush-hush? I do believe the U.S. Government would probably do that. They always seem to prefer to classify stuff if they can think of any reason to do so.