Time for a remake/sequel?

I think that the time has come to crank out a sequel to this classic.

I do kind of remember that in the early eighties Forrest J. Ackermann spoke of plans that were afoot to make a sequel entiltles THE SEVEN FATES OF DOCTOR PHIBES. I understand that he was in fact offered a cameo part in the production as one of Phibes' victims. Obviously the film was not greenlighted, but heck, the script must still exist somewhere and it's high time it was made.

SO I should get on the buzzer to all my movie making friends, oh, sorry I don't have any movie making friends.


There WAS a sequel... He rose again, apparently.

I got it,I got it,I got it...I ain`t got it


I would love to read that script!!

I'm not sure if the movie would work with out Vincent Price. Although I did think Jeffery Rush did a pretty good job filling his shoes in House on Haunted Hill, which is one of the few classic horror remakes that was any good at all.

I really am sick of remakes, but if there is a script for a sequel floating around I wouldn't mind seeing it made.

Although after more than 30 years after the first one would there be enough interest?

"Rock is dead! Long live Paper and Scissors!


An addition to the Phibes series would be welcome in my books. Several things that would be required of a new Phibes film, though would be:

1. NO CGI. None whatsoever. If you're going to have special effects stick with the campy fun style of the original. If I were to say that you could have a little bit of CGI, then that opens up for more and more. So none. Do it the hard way, your efforts will be appreciated by at least SOME of us.
2. You MUST keep it a time piece. Part of the charm of the original was that it had music and styles from the 1920s.
3. Don't try to COPY Vincent Price. Rather, try to add your own spin to the character. Kind of like Sidney Toler to Warner Oland after Oland died in 1938 (from the Charlie Chan series).


Its all in the Art Direction. The look of this film is so important.


I'm surprised this film hasn't been remade

I have the evil finger on you.


WHO can PLAY Dr. Phibes, today? Christopher Lee? Kinda' long in the tooth. Goeffrey Rush is an INTERESTING idea, though!! Man, it's GOT to BE a GOOD script!

"You want the truth? You can't HANDLE the truth!" Jack Nicholson, "A Few Good Men."


I'm sorry, I meant Geoffrey Rush, not Goeffrey Rush. I think it's IMPORTANT to get THESE THINGS right!

"You want the truth? You can't HANDLE the truth!" Jack Nicholson, "A Few Good Men."


Why destroy a masterpiece?
Just to see one more of this ridiculous and unnonstopable moneymakers that the 'people' swallow and forget in a minute?

I PRAY for noone touch in this film, not even think about it!
Leave only this alone!


Okay, since you put it THAT way!

"You want the truth? You can't HANDLE the truth!" Jack Nicholson, "A Few Good Men."
