Nurse Allen

She didn't deserve to die, well none of the doctors deserved to die but she shouldn't have even been thought about! After all she wasn't physically operating on Victoria like the others, maybe she was in the room but wasn't operating. If anything, she would've taken care of Victoria if the surgery went as planned but it didn't. Plus, Phibes should've given her a less gruesome death as for someone who didn't participate as much, she got the worst of all!


"Plus, Phibes should've given her a less gruesome death as for someone who didn't participate as much, she got the worst of all!"

She was lucky. She died in her sleep.


True but of everyone, she should've been out of his little scheme and replace her with an old, ugly witchy hospital matron who you'd want to die. She seemed nice enough...



God may protect old, ugly witchy hospital matrons from people like you !



She IS part of the operating team, and a vital part, as she would have been responsible for making sure that the intstruments were ready to hand, passed them on to hte surgeons, took them back when finished, etc. etc. Suggesting that the operating room nurses are less involved with the surgery than the doctors is a flat insult to the entire profession.


That's not what I'm suggesting at all. Maybe back then nurses weren't as involved but I think that the SURGEONS would be the ones doing SURGERY while Allen would've played a more minor role.

I'm not insulting Nurse Allen or nurses in general but I think of all of them, she'd have a more minor role.


What did the deleted post say?


I always wondered what a psychiatrist was doing on the surgical team.
How many of the seven doctors could have gotten their hands on Mrs. Phibes in six minutes, anyhow?

None of this detracts from the fact that it's a superb film mind you. I don't think we're expected to take Phibes as a font of rationality anyhow.


Presumably, the psychiatrist trained as a medical doctor, then decided to go into psychiatry at a later date.


Maybe the psychiatrist and some of the others were medical students watching the procedure. That could explain why there were so many doctors.

I'm Jack, the Pumpkin King!



The procedure that killed Mrs. Phibes was called a radical resection in the movie. Although resections can be performed on other parts of the body, perhaps this one refers to an intercranial tumor (in the skull). The psychiatrist could have been used to evaluate Mrs. Phibes psychological readiness for surgery or he could have been used as a consultant for the brain surgery procedure.

He would have been better of playing golf on the day of that consultation.



Got to admit when I first saw the film I thought that nurse Allen did not deserve to die.
