Cute animals (spoilers) :)

Hiya, just saw this film yesterday, and felt compelled to write about the scene with the rats in the aeroplane. How cute were they!

Sorry but that's not the main point... Just a useless bit of trivia I guess... the rats are actually pink eyed whites (or albinos) dyed that odd blond colour :) I heard they used the same trick in 1984 :):)



It;s so over the top, it's great fun :) The deaths are all toally implausible and have you going "yeeeaaah", but that's just why this movie is so much fun! ^^


I must confess that I was concerned about the rats, I didn't want to see them die in the plane.


Yeah, they looked like sweet li'l kitties or guinea pigs and weren't scary or unpleasant at all. Still an awesome movie of course.

For a dollar, name three white people. . .
