Most Disturbing Death in the Film...
The murders are creative, if fairly gruesome, based as they are on the Ten Plagues, but since we really don’t get to know the victims very well we’re not dismayed when they’re dispatched (in fact, more often than not we're ghoulishly amused), with one exception: To me the most disturbing death in the film was that of Dr. Longstreet, played by Terry-Thomas. Terry-Thomas was an immensely likable actor capable of establishing an enjoyable character with only a few lines of dialog and moments of screen-time, and he accomplishes this most effectively as Dr. Longstreet, whose blood is literally drained from his body while he’s conscious and aware of what is happening to him – really a horrible concept! For me his character’s death seems somehow more real - and much more disturbing in method and execution - than the others.
"In my case, self-absorption is completely justified."