Current DVD options?
I bought the Classic Assassins bootleg DVD too, and it is far too dark. It is letterboxed - but the poor quality totally trashes the movie, especially final scene (the slow motion car crash) because you can't see ANYTHING!!!! I saw the film at a film festival theater screening and found that final scene very powerful...but it's ruined on this DVD.
Then I got another DVD copy which seemed to be a VHS transfer (also letterboxed and in English)...quite blurry but better than the dark one - you can at least now see whats happening. Is this the "French" uncut one people are talking about - and what are the cuts to look for? And are there any more bootlegs about?
My advice to anyone wanting to see this is to wait - you will kick yourself for watching the movie in a blurry or over-dark bootleg version as your first experience.