I'm thrilled there is a lot of recent activity on this message board. All I'll say for now is this is probably the most perverted and creepiest movies I have ever watched, and it's not listed as horror when it should be. I mean, "Rosemary's Baby" is listed as horror, isn't it? The storyline of "Rillington Place" is so sickening is goes to show how fiction is sometimes no match for reality.
A movie labeled "horror" is in practice a fictional piece of work ginned up specifically to scare people.
This film by contrast is a somewhat fictionalized depiction of an historical event. The point of it isn't to scare people; it's to recount an actual happening.
I don't think anyone looking for horror films is interested in something like this. It's historical drama with some horrifying elements; that's a long way from being a horror film per se.
Just found out that 10 RILLINGTON PLACE will be having a rare showing on the THIS channel tonight at 12:30---or at least that's what the schedule said. Check your local listings for it. Always wanted to see this,too.
Hope you had a chance to see this film as it really is one of the scariest movies ever. With no gore, no music...just the sound of endless cups of tea being poured, tea cups clattering, trains running in the background, foot steps clicking on the sidewalks & the hissing of the gas going thru the pipes. So eerie.
Of course the incredible acting has been noted by many.
I just posted a new thread about the law. I sadly fell asleep before the ending last night (just got this on DVD), and am barely conscious enough to concentrate having been struck with a virus. But what I have seen so far is so very eerie.
I Googled something on Christie and then a little on Timothy Evans but to avoid too many spoilers I had to stop reading for now until I can complete the film.
I would not at all agree that this movie is 'perverted', or even 'creepy' though it is frightening and powerful. A case might be made for Christie himself being called a pervert, but the movie is a dramatised version of true events and doesn't belong to the genre of 'horror' movies.