Of course we know Rillington Place/Ruston close (Now Bartle Road), but I was intrigued, when Beryl met Tim to go to the cinema, a bus was marked 'Upton Park' (The East End of London, not West/Notting Hill where the murders happened). Although the bus may have been taken out of mothballs/preserved with the 'Upton Park' plate on it. I was actually wondering where the LOCATION of this, where Tim meets Beryl, is - any ideas? Thanks.
I think this was probably just a prop period vehicle they had managed to get hold of - very few people outside London would be aware of the city's geography, or question what a bus bound for the East End was doing in Notting Hill!
It is worth pointing out, I think, that when Buses came under the aegis of London Transport, many of the routes were a lot longer, often linking one side of London to another. For example; I live in Chiswick (west London), my mother lives in Streatham (south London). Back in the 70s, I could have got an 88 from Shepherd's Bush to Mitcham and, after a short walk at either end, done the journey on one Bus route. Nowadays, because of privatisation and different operators running shorter routes, I have to get 4 buses.
I think it's likely there were routes linking east to west London in those days, and people wouldn't have questioned it when the film came out in the early 70s.
True drju, a lot of buses do seem to go east-west and vice-versa more than north-south perhaps, because of the river/congestion in central London - though 'Reelstreets' (the British movie-locations guide) says the location of this scene in question was the Hythe Road industrial estate, west London. ;o)