cannons stuntman

Often when a stuntman is being used, you can imidietly see it, wether it's in movies or tv-series, but one thing i've noticed about "Cannon" is, that either the stuntman looks VERY much alike like Cannon, or he did alote of stunts himself.

it's a barnburner, tonight,
nothing but treat in sight,
might it be, an antique recipee,
kept on top of the bureau of history,
sonny, sonny, sonny,
i drank that, and got real funny funny funny,
had to wipe my chin clean,
felt like as if cement it hit me,
covered the truth in paint,
it's a barnburner, this event,
a broken glas,
a picture of home at,
and alote of coffee,
on the beat, how it hit me,
that womans stomping foot,
it's moving me too,
and everything in sight,
i know, it's a barnburner tonight.

