MovieChat Forums > Women in Love (1970) Discussion > Who can relate to Gerald??

Who can relate to Gerald??

Not that I'd choke anyone, and I only saw about the last half hour of this movie on Encore Drama, but if I can relate to anyone in it, it's Gerald. I guess I oughta see the whole thing if I can, but from what I've seen...especially over the last almost year of my life...Gerald is relatable in a 'there but for the grace of God' way. I should hope that I'm emotionally better developed.


It all depends on the woman you get. The artistc kind - you end up like Reed, the homely kind - like Bates. You wanna choke the artiste when you have her, but you wanna have her when you don't.


"You wanna choke the artiste when you have her, but you wanna have her when you don't."

Oh how I can relate to that! And even further, like Gerald did: you wanna choke the artiste and you wanna have her, at the same time, when you don't.

"I don't discriminate between entertainment
and arthouse. A film is a goddam film."


Yes I got Gerald from the get-go but not necessarily by his actions but rather by his nature. He was my favorite character in the film as portrayed beautifully by the talented Oliver Reed. However, Jackson owned this film; she was magnetic to watch.
