OP: you're a woman, you say? Seeing your photo, I'd say you have some gender identification issues, Miss Thing.
...men's nude bodies...It's something the Brits have no problem with, thank goodness.
Yes, the Brits are renowned for their lack of inhibition. That's why so many British films following WIL featured full frontal male nudity.
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Am I a man who likes the male form. Natalie Wood may have felt "pretty" once upon a time, but sometimes I get to feeling pretty manly.
And I have to inform you that even better than the male form is masculine energy, which Oliver Reed had in spades. What a man's man!!! I'd nude wrestle with him any day. And what's more, I would enjoy getting my butt kicked/licked (take your pick) by the likes of him.
<i>I asked WOMEN to give their opinion. W-O-M-E-N, not homosexual perverts. </I> ------------------------------------------------
I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you that you are an obsolete, socio-cultural dinosaur. Oh, and, actually it is M-E-N who have the monopoly on dicks, balls and hairy buttholes.
So you can just keep enjoying that unsightly, 'unhealed wound' you've got between your legs all by yourself. ___________
I suppose you could cut corinnacarpenter some slack Mr. Hutch, as the only d!@k she probably gets to see, is on the movies or in porn. She could be one of those self-entitled females, that thinks that Russell put the nude male wrestling scene in for the ladies enjoyment only. She is also likely oblivious to the fact, that many men, (even the hets), enjoyed having a good goggle at Bates and Reed's thrashing around in the nude. Russell beautifully blurred the line here and combined warm rugged masculine sexuality, with masculine prowess, strength and dominance and made it palatable for both sexes. What a genius!
Yes, I know it was mean and unchivalrous of me, and I was aware of that when I wrote it, but she said homosexuals were perverts and she came across like she thought only women were the only ones entitled to enjoy the male form.
You have more class than me, Rascal. I knew that right away when I read how you asked your female friends permission to remove your shirt when you were sunbathing/swimming. What a gentleman!
My only real reservation about what I wrote was that it was specifically out of spite towards this specific person. Maybe I should just delete the post (or temper it) because I really don't want to offend all those women out there who do not share CC's viewpoints. After all, most women, like most men, are basically decent people. I don't hate women at all, but I don't care a bit for women who think the way she does. I think that's fair.
Yes, I know it was mean and unchivalrous of me, and I was aware of that when I wrote it, but she said homosexuals were perverts and she came across like she thought only women were the only ones entitled to enjoy the male form.
My response was condescending about her, so I wouldn't worry about it and I had my tongue planted firmly in my cheek, when I was responding to your statement. If anything, CC has shown a lack of reasonable discernment and has shown a flair for bigotry, with her comment. Maybe she should delete her comment???😒
Thank you. I didn't like her attitude overall. I think she got what was coming to her. Maybe I will delete it and just PM her. Yeah, I think that's what I'll do.
...Hutch says > My only real reservation about what I wrote was that it was specifically out of spite towards this specific person. Maybe I should just delete the post (or temper it) because I really don't want to offend all those women out there who do not share CC's viewpoints. After all, most women, like most men, are basically decent people. I don't hate women at all, but I don't care a bit for women who think the way she does. I think that's fair.
Whether or not one shares the OP's views, you have to admit she did ask for women respondents only. I think you should have respected that request. In fact, I think you delighted in expressly going against her wishes so you could make a point. That's wrong.
If you can say you 'don't like women who think the way she does'; you have to respect the fact that she apparently doesn't care for people who think the way you do. Tolerance is a two-way street but I keep noticing that a lot of people who claim others are intolerant of them are themselves very intolerant of others; anyone who does not share their views.
Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]
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is also likely oblivious to the fact, that many men, (even the hets), enjoyed having a good goggle at Bates and Reed's thrashing around in the nude. -------------------
"And, uh, yeah!" (That's me doing my Lisa Kudrow/Michelle Weinbeger impersonation. Wonderful gal, Lisa. Love her to bits. btw, have you seen "Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion", Rascal? It is quite entertaining.) Yeah, there are definitely a few women in the world who resent gay men either because they feel insulted by how a man could find the stronger sex more desirable than the fairer sex (makes sense to me), or because they are just plain jealous. OR, like you suggested, they likely are TERRIFIED of the fact that men - ALL MEN - do, in fact, check each other out... gay, straight or somewhere in between. These particular women just aren't big enough to accept the idea that they are not in complete control of men, like they want them to be. They do not understand that men checking out each other's bodies oftentimes has very little to do with actual sexual preferences. The line between "gay" and "homoerotic" is a fine one, and obviously Miss Thing cannot cope, hence her haughty and faintly ridiculous INSISTENCE that only W-O-M-E-N be allowed to respond to her post. Whatever, and get a life.
As Jodie Foster (a lesbian!) stated so memorably in "Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore"... "W-E-I-R-D!!!"
These particular women just aren't big enough to accept the idea that they are not in complete control of men, like they want them to be. They do not understand that men checking out each other's bodies oftentimes has very little to do with actual sexual preferences. _______________
Just as women, check out each other; but that is ok for them, due to hypocritical double standards and the self-entitlements and "specialness", many women can feel over men. If men are doing it to each other, it can then make some women feel insecure, because they were MADE FOR MEN and are afraid of losing power or control over them. MASCULINE ON MASCULINE. How can you get more powerful than that.
corinnacarpenter says > I'm a woman who likes the male form.
I'm a woman who likes the male form too but I don't need to see it in the movies I watch. I'm not interested in seeing naked women in these movies either.
I watch a lot of older movies and find it interesting how the filmmakers back then were able to tell good stories and get their point across without the need to show the actors' naked bodies. Ever since the nudity started sometime in the sixties, it seems we can barely make it through any movie without seeing something revealing. It's totally unnecessary.
This movie is pure nonsense. The title suggests one type of movie; and it does start as one might expect then it all goes terribly wrong and becomes something else entirely; something I was not interested in watching. I did not appreciate being lured into watching a trashy, pointless movie disguised as a romance.
Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]
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