Fight Scene.

There was a fight scene between 2 prehistoric creatures in this movie. I'm pretty sure that it was taken out of "The Lost World 1960." Who else noticed that?


I knew about it. When I finally saw The Lost World it was confirmed. It's really cruel to have those poor animals fight like that, and using that footage kinda degraded the whole movie. If they had done Stop motion it would have been much better.


I agree with roselaar, but Jim Danforth had said that he knew they had access to the Lost World footage as stock shots and that they were using them as "insurance" just in case something went wrong and to, more accurately, pad out the dinosaur screen time.

The producers assumed that the dinosaur scenes would be accomplished as Ray Harryhausen had done
but Jim took a lot longer and the reason is two-fold.

On the one hand, the live action sets were built too small and Jim had to do glass paintings that would increase the size of these sets so that the dinosaurs, when added, would look big and the settings could accomodate their onscreen size.

This took time to do and was not planned for and Dave Allen came in and animated a great deal of the horned Chasmasaur so that Jim could paint the glass shots.

The other reason is purely artistic....where Ray Harryhausen had "that's good enough" feeling about his shots, Jim Danforth always tried to go that extra step....birds flying through beautiful Skull Island-like settings, reflections of monsters in foreground water, blurring of pterodactyl wings, etc. All these things are wonderful, and make for lovely shots but it takes longer for the quality, something the Hammer executives learned in a "trial by fire" type process.

They would have been happy if the stop motion was done on a more limited basis, like Harryhausen's


Jim Danforth would not have been happy....artists are rarely satisfied.

There is that old saying attributed, I think, to DaVinci...."The student that does not surpass his teacher....fails."

Jim Danforth...succeeded.


There is a reason they got nominated for an Oscar.
