Plot is virtually the same as One Million Years B.C. and One Million B.C. - but this is so bad that it's actually entertaining. I say, ignore the first two movie and watch this. It's so terrible that you'll want to watch it again just to see if you were paying attention.
George Washington's brother was the uncle of our country. - George Carlin
I strongly disagree, i think it has some of the most oustanding stop motion work ever put to celluloid and deserves great treatment when put onto dvd for that reason alone.
You really should learn to accept other peoples' opinions, and not be insulting just because others have different viewpoints.
I purchased this film because I am a fan of Hammer, prehistoric life, and "One Million Years B.C." I found "When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth" to be somewhat tedious, monotonous, and lacking of substance. "When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth" is quite often "mindless action" in my opinion. The story we're given is almost a rehash of "One Million Years B.C." This is NOT "great filmmaking!" Great filmmaking involves a good script, good cinematography, etc. I also found some unintentional humor in the first half of the film. I found the film to be mediocre at best.
"One Million Years B.C." is cinematic fluff, but it has more substance and isn't nearly as tedious. I also have a fondness for "One Million Years B.C.," because it's more entertaining.
I hope I've made a solid enough statement not to be viewed as "stupid," just because I don't share the same opinion as you.
By the way, I am not a Spielberg or Lucas "fanboy." I will admit I own a few of their films ("Schindler's List," "Jaws," and "American Graffiti" come to mind), but I will purchase any film I behold highly. I will even purchase films noted by others as poorly made as long as they entertain me in a fun, joyous way.
I'd also like to mention I am not a fan of "Quest For Fire." I saw the film back in the 1980's, and it didn't have much impact on me.
"When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth" was purchased without being viewed first. I don't regret my purchase, because the film does entertain at times. However, as I mentioned before, I found it to be mediocre as best.
Why do you get so offended when someone tells you they dislike a film you happen to enjoy? The original poster not only stated he dislikes this film, he also stated a few reasons why he dislikes this film. It is constructive criticism. This is his opinion and I respect his opinion. He could also dislike a movie I greatly enjoy, but I will still respect his opinion.
I found this film to be mediocre, and I listed some reasons why. Now you want to suggest I might have a short attention span due to my opinion. That's rather humorous. You don't know me, but I will tell you I do not have a short attention span. I probably would have turned off the movie if I had a short attention span.
I am 43 years old which means I grew up in an era in which films didn't contain one action scene after another. I don't need constant action in a movie. I can enjoy slower paced films with little or no action. I can enjoy foreign language films with subtitles (I don't mind reading), and I can enjoy classic silent films.
Trust me, it takes patience and a good attention span to do the amount of research and writing I do. I also have enough of an attention span to use a dictionary (hint hint).
wendybrad said, "So your (sic) one of Those Mystery Science Theater 3000 Fanboys that laugh at any old Sci-Fi, Fantasy or Horror Films, Right? (God i hate that Show!)"
There you go second guessing me again! You have no idea how wrong you are. I despise "Mystery Science Theater 3000," and I never found it to be funny. I don't mind the theme of taking a film and having fun with it, but the humor in this show always fell flat with me. I didn't find the humor to be amusing or clever. I know there are people who admire this show. That's their opinion and I respect it.
I enjoy older sci-fi, fantasy, and horror movies, and I collect them. I think the oldest film in my collection is from 1925. I also have a few titles from the 1930's and 1940's. I mainly concentrate on collecting sci-fi, fantasy, and horror films from the 1950's and early 1960's. I grew up watching these older movies. I am even fond of the "bad" ones ("Plan 9 From Outer Space," "Horrors Of Spider Island," etc.)
I also collect Hammer thrillers. I enjoy Hammer's horror, fantasy, sci-fi, and psychological thrillers. This is how "When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth" entered my collection.
It can not be helped when we find unintentional humor in a movie. We are all different, and certain things will strike different people as funny. One of my all-time favorite movies is 1974's "Earthquake." I would imagine the all-time favorite status is due to seeing it as a child. I still enjoy watching the movie, but I can't help chuckling over some of the over-the-top dialogue. Some of the chintzy special effects are kind of funny too. It's me, it's my sense of humor, and if you don't like it then you can move on.
You might find something unintentionally funny with one of my favorite movies. I might not agree with you, but I'm not going to get upset or offended by it. We should learn to respect constructive criticism and different opinions.
wendybrad asked, "Also (If you don't mind me asking) are you a Christen (sic)? I can usually tell when someone Makes a Polite Reply."
No, I am not a Christian. I believe in having respect and tolerance toward other peoples' opinions, as long as other people don't try to force their beliefs on me. I generally don't throw insults or get offended over reasonable criticism, beliefs, viewpoints, etc. I can't see getting so upset just because others don't share the same opinion over a movie. I don't want to go through life getting angry and/or upset over the more trivial things.
I agree with you when you say, "When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth" is not one of the worst films ever made. I have seen far worse! However, if the original poster feels this to be true, then I must let it be. Maybe he hasn't seen a whole lot of movies. Maybe he's seen thousands of movies, and still feels this way. I was just happy he stated a few reasons why he dislikes the movie. There are people (mainly trolls who get their kicks out of generating angry responses) who enjoy saying, "This is the worst movie ever made," and of course they don't give any reasons why they are making this statement. I think much more of people who can give reasons for their negative viewpoints.
I really don't look at IMDb's top 100 or bottom 100. Sometimes these figures are interesting, but when you get down to it, they really have no impact on me. My favorite movies are mine to behold, even if other people dislike them.
wendybrad said, "I'm not saying you would, but people with a Short Attention Span usually keep watching it (Of course, they do have the option of not watchig it if they don't like it). for proof, take a look at the King Kong (2005) board."
I once worked with mentally handicapped/mentally retarded adults. I've been around some people who have very short attention spans. If a movie doesn't hold their attention, they usually get fidgety and look for other things to do.
I'm not exactly sure what goes on over at the "King Kong" (2005) message board. It's been awhile since I looked at that board. I'm sure it's loaded with plenty of know, the ones who like to say things like, "Is this movie suitable for a two year old," and "This is the worst movie I've ever seen." There are several people (trolls) on the boards who enjoy getting people angry. They say all kinds of things to get reactions from people. I'll have to have a look at that board sometime soon. Maybe I'll end up losing my temper, and get into a fight, lol. Just kidding! Flame wars can be a drag.
wendybrad said, "i hate how the 30 Year Old fans/Virgins mess around with the Bottom 100 by putting the films that were featured on the Show. I have also noticed that people have based their STRONG opinions not on the Original Movies, but the MST3K versions. This isn't right!"
The show did often feature some amazingly bad movies, but I think they also chose movies in which it was easy to build jokes around. It is extremely annoying when people base their opinions on MST3K versions! Save those opinions for the episode reviews, not the actual films! I totally agree with you!
If I don't get bombarded with projects, I will have another look at "When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth."
Now it is time for me to begin my morning sun rituals. Please bring all blonds to the front for the sacrifice! Beware the wind! ;)
I see you have a quote from "Jackass" it! As vulgar as "Jackass" can be, it can not be denied that it is also hilarious!
I'm not sure how I can help you with the problem at hand. I'm afraid I am unfamiliar with the Qin emperor. Also, I don't know much about Chinese history or Chinese culture. I hate to say it, but I'm not even familiar with the movie.
I suppose someone who kills millions of people can be misunderstood, but it sounds like there's a hell of a lot more to it than that! "Oh, you murdered millions of people. I'm sorry, I guess we simply misunderstood you" just doesn't sound right, does it? Your use of the word "tyrant" sounds very accurate. According to the dictionary the basic meaning of the word "tyrant" is, "a ruler who uses their power oppressively or unjustly." If murdering millions of people isn't unjust, then I don't know what is! Feel free to quote me, lol.
One thing I can say about the message boards is people often disagree about movies and performers, which is fine, but some people get out of hand. I know it's very tempting to fire back with profanity and insults. I guess I do on occasion, lol, but in the end it's just not worth getting all riled up about.
I think you did the right thing by putting this person on your ignore list. You can always report this person if they used vulgar profanity or threats in their posts. However, before you report anyone, make sure you know IMDb's guidelines. IMDb gets upset if they feel someone is being reported over what they might see as petty.
There was one guy who threatened people with death and violence in his message board posts. He sounded like a serious nutcase! I almost reported him but decided not to since he was civil with me. I figured someone else would report him, and eventually that did happen. The guy ended up being removed from IMDb.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...he kept being a Grouchy little b!tch, So in the end i added him to my ignore list. I also Reported one of his posts as being Unlawful. Fortunatly, the post was deleted. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Good! I'm glad one of his posts was deleted by an admin! I strongly suggest you avoid any further communication with this person. You'll also feel better if you do, lol. I don't mind helping at all, and I'm glad the little bit I could contribute helped.
I haven't had time to re-watch "When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth" yet. I'll watch it again soon! I want to watch it again, but I've gotten some new titles in. I also want to watch "Moon Zero Two" again as well. These two Hammer movies came as a double feature on one disc.
Its a FANTASTIC film in that it is so awful. As a recipe against the blues it has no competitor, if one of us in the family feels down we just stick on a black wig jump up and down then shouts: "Umbala Akita!"
true story.
Colonel Everett Young: "Are we done? Dr Nicolas Rush: "We will never be done."