Marshal Berthier?

The complete cast list credits a Mr. Giorgio Sciolette in an uncredited role as Marshal of France Louis Alexandre Berthier. Where was this brief appearance in the film? He couldn't have been present during the battle as the historical Berthier wasn't at Waterloo. Napoleon was even quoted as saying that if Berthier had of been there, he "would not have met this misfortune."


He appears very briefly as one of the group of MArshalls that demanded Napoleon's abdication at the begining of the UK version, its the actor with the long grey hair!


Berthier died shortly before Waterloo, in early June 1815. Fell out a window, giving rise to some speculation about foul play.


Berthiers suicide was filmed.

He jumped from a window after the abdication and Napoleons farewell to the Imperial Guard.

played by Giorgio Sciolleti.


Really? Do you have a link that confirms this? (The filming of Berthier's suicide)

Are there any scenes that we know for sure were filmed but were excised during the editing process?
