Thank God George didn't revisit the THX 1138 world
because he would have f#cked it up like Star Wars.
sharebecause he would have f#cked it up like Star Wars.
shareThe movie was "updated" for the DVD release in 2004.
I never saw the original version, so I don't know exactly what was changed. I have a feeling the monkeys at the end were something that was added later.
See, I also have never seen this film in its original form, but by most accounts, it sounds like Lucas altered far more in this film than he did in any of the Star Wars movies.
Yeah, I don't hate the "George Lucas Director's Cut," only a few of the digital additions stand out as being out of place (the creature SEN almost steps on, the digital beginning of the car chase, and the digital Shell Dwellers).
I disagree with what you've said entirely.
The lizard being a bit different does two things. It shows how far we are from our time and despite being along the same evolutionary form for x million years even it has had to change to exist in the world man has wrought.
Just how far down the line have we gone?
The hairy dwarfs from the original always seemed like more of like something from a Monty Python comedy sketch, now I think there's ambiguity in there - devolved humans or evolved apes? Again the expanse of time becomes unsure.
I love the grander scope of the DC, it emphasizes how long ago we abandoned the surface and out humanity. The speed racer car chase could've been done without though.
Perfectly said. Exactly. This is EXACTLY what messes up the original version.
...which, BTW, I still have on LASER DISC and need to make a digital copy soon.
Indeed he did. The original is a beauty.
shareUnfortunately, he did f-k it up.
He had to throw his gd CGI monkeys at this film and destroy it just like he destroyed SW:ANH.
The original film's "amateur," gritty feel _helps_ the movie, and presents us with the "used" future (as opposed to the "new" future), that we also saw in the original SW. All the shiny CGI effects destroy the "used" future effect.
I'm only surprised he didn't remove and re-do the scenes where punch cards and magnetic tape are being shown as "futuristic." His replacing that, and adding things like CGI iPads and bluetooth earpieces would conform to his constant and horrible need to tinker where it's unnecessary and counter-productive.
If you want to see the real movie, you unfortunately have to resort to copies of the VHS or LaserDisc version. But it's worth it.
I've never preferred a director's cut to the previously released version of anything. EVER.
Ironically, the director's cut that upsets me the least is the one for Star Wars. I think this is because it sort of fits in with the fantastic world that Lucas made in the '70s. Albeit unnecessary, I don't really mind that there are now dinosaurs in Mos Eisly. Yes, CGI looks like CGI, but rubber masks also look like rubber masks as in the cantina. The main thing is that it has to fit the tone of the movie, which I think it did.
Now Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi on the other hand, he should have left alone! I love the original Wampa lair scene, and I want to forget that "Jedi Rocks" ever happened.
Barry Lyndon shot first.