Proof That

Lucas has always been and always will be a talentless hack.

'Then' and 'than' are completely different words and have completely different meanings.


I don't agree. This movie is a low-budget work of art. It's not very entertaining, granted, and if you can't relate to THX's struggle to escape his bleak unpleasant circumstances, to seek freedom, you need to try something more entertaining.

Norman Vincent Peale: "Stay Alive All Your Life".



Lucas directed three (count 'em: three) films that revolutionized american film, continue to profoundly influence the media to this day, and turned a 'talentless hack' into one of cinema's most powerful figures. They are: 'THX 1138', 'American Graffiti', and 'Star Wars'. That the first was not commercially successful was a flaw he corrected the very next film, and that the second did not fulfil his wishes to pursue adventure and science-fiction themes, was a flaw he corrected the next film after that. If this is the work of a 'talentless hack' I would like to see the original poster do better, or at least provide an even remotely compelling argument to support this terminology.


He is still a lousy director regardless of what you say.I agree with the OP he is a hack.


You wanna talk about over-rated hacks, take Scorcese. Imnumerable f-words and brutality, all set to pop music, do not constitute any kind of genius
