MovieChat Forums > THX 1138 (1971) Discussion > the only justification for george lucas'...

the only justification for george lucas' existence

okay,this and darth vader(not star wars...just darth vader).


George Lucas set out to revolutionize American film. His first three films, 'THX 1138', 'American Graffiti', and 'Star Wars' established him as one of Hollywood's leading filmmakers, and continue to influence filmmakers today. His early success allowed him to develop filmmaking technology that makes current film projects possible. His influence on the industry is so pervasive that 15-year-olds watching film today take it entirely for granted.

George Lucas set out to revolutionize American film. He did.


george lucas sucks.


No he did 1138 then went for the cash. New American film was destroyed by STAR WARS-it was just a trip back to 1930s Saturday serials of Buck Rogers bought into the 1979-Lucas literally STOLE STAR WARS from Edgar Rice Burroughs wholesale-go watch JOHN CARTER for examples of that sort written in 1930


No he did 1138 then went for the cash. New American film was destroyed by STAR WARS-it was just a trip back to 1930s Saturday serials of Buck Rogers bought into the 1979-Lucas literally STOLE STAR WARS from Edgar Rice Burroughs wholesale-go watch JOHN CARTER for examples of that sort written in 1930


Etherdave was the closest to getting it right.

Blasphemy: It's a victimless crime


And what have you done?

Just a wannabe-writer writing


and what have you done?


Well I learned how to type the English language in preference to being an illiterate 'tard like you. And wow, does it really show, d00d.

YOU suck, you polesmoker.


There are two things that redeem Lucas for his Star Wars sins. Besides THX 1138, he also helped out Akira Kurosawa by producing Kagemusha when the director had fallen on hard times in Japan.


Are we forgetting Howard the Duck?


...or Captain EO


Yes, we are forgetting those, dwelling instead on the good and cool stuff we like.

You turds, on the other hand, are total bottom-feeders. Your posts and this thread have already proven that, as if everybody didn't already know that about your ilk a long, long time ago.


I agree with Etherdave to an extent, that George Lucas' creation of THX1138, Star Wars, American Graffiti, and his work with Indiana Jones had a huge effect on movie making today, and that his contributions to technology and special effects have changed film making to such a degree that without Lucas I don't think Hollywood would look nearly the same today.

However, the only problem with Lucas is that he didn't continue to evolve. When the aforementioned films first came out, Lucas was a revolutionary, his thought process and style was totally unlike anything that came before. Afterwards, other film makers began to emulate his style and evolve, whereas Lucas continued to do the same thing over and over.

He made a sequel to American Graffiti, which bombed. He made the Prequel Trilogy which he had total control over (unlike the OT), and even though I think they're fine as part of the Saga a lot of fans and critics hated them (and I understand why). Then he forced Spielberg to make an Indy 4, which Spielberg A.) Didn't want to do in the first place and B.) Didn't want to do it the way Lucas had wanted to (with aliens) for years.

Lucas created something totally different, but then he continued doing the same things over and over again. The only problem is, when he had more control (the PT, Indy 4) he started doing worse than he had originally. True, Star Wars and Indiana Jones became his life, but with all his wealth and knowledge he could have easily done more experimental films like THX1138, but instead chose to "experiment" with films like Howard the Duck and Strange Magic....

Can't be too careful with all those weirdos running around.


"Well I learned how to type the English language in preference to being an illiterate 'tard like you. And wow, does it really show, d00d."

okay,now tell me EXACTLY why down to the last detail. go on,aspie. make me laugh.


yeah,that's what i thought.

