Well everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I agree that Albert Finney has rarely been better. In terms of the actual character of Scrooge as Dickens wrote it, I think this is the closest to of all the versions. Michael Hordern in the BBC version of 1977 comes closest. I watched Sim a few days ago and although he gives a superb performance, his failing (and that of George C Scott)is the portrayal of the miser as a deliberate creation. Dickens was at pains to say - and demonstrate, that Scrooge was a result of a gradual decline and wrong choices. The sort any of us could make in life. He wasn't a pantomime bad guy. Finney gets this and portrays it - he's a grubby little bloke like many others but there's the basis of someone nicer still in there waiting to come out. Add that to Dame Edith Evans playing GOCP as herself, More hamming it up as Present and some great songs and what's not to love !