My favorite Scrooge / Christmas Carol Movie version
This is the best one, IMO. Albert Finney, as the review on the main page of this board says, nails Scrooge.
An excellent actor, Finney was able to pull off being an old man and being a young handsome one (being a young man when he made the movie).
My favorite animated version is Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol. This Albert Finney one is my favorite film version. An excellent watch for the whole family.
I can't find the movie on tv or streaming anywhere this year! Just the bad versions with Kelsey Grammar and I think Patrick Stewart...even a Henry Winkler one. And a really really old version from the 1930s. But not this one.
Netflix and Amazon and other streaming services have fallen down on the job of having a lot of Christmas movies this year, that's for sure.