Christian understones?

I've always thought that the first scenes with the warlock are a sort of Christian allegory.

-Notice that Winter's heart is changed when he accepts a free gift that is offered to him, just as peoples hearts and souls are changed by accepting the free gift of gods grace in Christian theology.

-Now that Winter is inwardly a differant person he has to learn how to display this change to the world by putting "one foot in front of the other". In Christianity, after a man's heart is changed he begins to change his life and behavior in a gradual process of learning and prayer.

Agree, disagree?


What's an under stone?


Yes definitely, but I would hope that a Christmas special might have some Christian undertones in there somewhere, since that's sort of the root event behind the holiday. There's even some Paganism mixed in there with the whole non-denominational marriage in nature with the Winter Warlock using his magic to light up the trees. It's kind of all-inclusive with a little bit of sentiment for everybody.


This makes it a good holiday movie. It's not how much you spend or how fancy the house looks. It's what you have inside the heart which matters.
