When Santa is telling those kids about how they should be good or else they won't get toys from he they are talking like the song "Santa Claus is Comin' to Town". When they get to the part where he says you better watch out, you better not cry, the kids ask "Why?", then it looks like he gets really mad and says surprisingly angrily, "I'M TELLING YOU WHY!" Just thought i'd bring that to everyone's attention. It cracks me up everytime i see it. Cool your jets there, Kringle.
I noticed, but I think it's more of a joking yell. You know what I mean? Like if a little kid says proudly "I ate every bite of my dinner!", you patronize by going "EVERY BITE?!"
It doesn't seem like he is yelling, just being forceful so they'll listen to him. You have to do that, especially today. But also, they didn't know who he was so he had to be a little forceful so they will listen.
I took it more like he didn't know what to say. Kind of like how younger siblings might question older siblings about why things are the way they are, and if it turns into a losing argument, the older sibling might end with BECAUSE!... BECAUSE I SAID SO! THAT'S WHY!...
Why did I write? Because I found life unsatisfactory. *~Tennessee Williams~*
Santa was hitting up the amphetamine inhaler while crossing the mountains & was just really psyched up on the speed. Crazy to think you used to be able to buy stuff like that over the counter.
It's true. Decades ago, my elder sister was commenting upon RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER and how mean Santa was in it. I understood what she was saying. But instead of a mean Santa, I perceived this Santa as a more, 'tough love' kind of guy who didn't put up with much bs and expected results. It's to be expected when Santa has to personally manage and supervise a large toy manufacturing facility as well as run a large household. Be aware that Santa's worker elves were not employees who drove to work, clocked-in and clocked-out after 8.5 hours to drive home. Santa had to house, feed, organize, and manage these elf employees as if they were live-in house servants, which they were. There had to be a little something of a military organization to keep things going and so Santa Claus wore several other hats as general manager and as a general.
Last week I saw this cartoon for the FIRST time in my life, and I am very sensitive to people yelling, even in movies, I don't know if I just hear it more than other people do or what, but I grew up with a lot of yelling so I kind of cringe at it all, even now at times, but when he went 'I'M TELLING YOU WHY', I knew it was because he was trying to make a point and get their attention.