I just watched it, and while it doesn't blow me away like, say, The Searchers or Rio Bravo, it was a very enjoyable Wayne western. I'm actually quite surprised by all the negative reviews. And I'm sure we all can agree that the opening titles are quite cool.
The main reason Rio Lobo has a bad rep is that half the cast are totally untalented. I mean, Wayne is good, Jack Elam is good, the girl is good, that guy from Dallas is good, along with a couple of other decent secondary character players. But everyone else, including the second male lead--whoever that retarded french guy was--HORRIBLE. Ed Wood horrible. They all recite their lines robotically like it was the first time they'd ever spoken the words. And this really surprising because Hawkes was known as a snappy dialog director who was really good with actors. But this one has the worst acting in any Wayne flick. But, that said, even the good acting is no better than what you'd get in a below average episode of Bonanza (and the cinematography is quite TV looking as well).
But the basic story is good, so if you have a high tolerance for stiff acting and a cheap look, then this can be a fun movie.
I mean, Wayne is good, Jack Elam is good, the girl is good, that guy from Dallas is good, along with a couple of other decent secondary character players.
I totally agree with this statement except for "the girl is good." In my opinion, by no possible stretch of the imagination is Jennifer O'Neill anywhere in the vicinity of being good in this movie. I admire the fact that directors such as David Cronenberg (SCANNERS) were able to coax even a semblance of a good performance out of her.
It's the ultimate heterosexual guy movie. Lots of action, fun, shooting, horses, and gorgeous women, and what's more, none of the gorgeous women get killed.
That turns a lot of the female audience off. They hate competition, and like to see it killed off, and they usually decide which movies to watch if they have their boyfriend whipped, so women and whipped guys will be against this movie.
I am afraid a lot of the "hate" of this movie is because of the acting ability, or lack of, in Jennifer O'Neill's character..I do not know what it takes to be good on a role, or with more experience she would get better..but Man, I thought she was poor..I almost cringed at times..I would have loved to ask John Wayne what it was like working with her..or, if he thoughts she was better than I am giving her credit for..