MovieChat Forums > Performance (1970) Discussion > How much longer can we stand for this?

How much longer can we stand for this?

Warner promised the "35th anniversary edition" of PERFORMANCE for 2005, back in late 2004, hoping to interview Jagger. It did not happen. Then, they said late 2005 that they would do it later in 2006. Now they've got the cheek to say it will be scheduled early 2007!

Haven't we had enough of this crap? Let's call then NOW on 0207 984 6480, customer enquiry line, & tell Warner to speed this up & stop jerking us off!
We are discerning fans of a classic movie, and we are also human beings.

The main number is 0207 984 6400, alternately, in which case we ask for DVD catalogue office. I called them today & got casually told that they plan to release it early 2007. Well, that aint good enough, is it comrades?

Let's all put our comments on here after calling Warner, & work together on this. Agreed?

very best,
a disciple of Betty Page





We should also begin an e-mail campaign fromn all around the world (I am in New Zealand). I saw a whole video about Betty Page....


I can't stand for this nonsense so I called Warner. they said they don't know why (???) but it will certainly be on DVD early 2007. I said I'll be calling every 8 weeks for an update! That's what we all should do - keep phoning until they do get their act together.

Call 0207 984 6480, Customer enquiries for DVD line. (London).



Guess what, Christina? I called Warner in London today & they said they haven't got a release date, or even any indication on their system, for the DVD release! Yet, as you said above, they did promise us it for late 2006 until you discovered they postponed it.

I say we all start calling them again. London: 0207 984 6480 is indeed customer services. We should then all put our comments from Warner on here.


are you all the same person or something?




Hustling for a release is all very well, but what's the point if they just put out the crappy dubbed version which seems extremely likely, seeing as how it was made for dumb idiot American movie executives who couldn't understand a London accent. Even the supposedly undubbed version has two of Harry Flowers's lines dubbed in the most abominable way (including the last line of the movie) and the whole of the child Lorraine's part is dubbed by an obviously mature woman. Infuriating! I haven't seen an undubbed copy for over 20 years and am beginning to think they no longer exist. The prints I used to see at the Electric and the Scala in the 80s were very crackly (to say the least). If the masters were dubbed, then I don't care how well they digitally re-master it, or whether or not they get Mick Jagger to make facetious remarks as an added bonus - I for one won't be buying it. "At the death, who is left holdin' the sodding baby?"



I did hear that the only complete 35mm print of "performance" is in the hands of China Cammell. I have to assume this is the print that legend has it won the Wet Dream Festival in Amsterdam, c. 1969.


No, this was only a short outtake (less than 15 mins) of Jagger & Pallenberg getting it on.
