Apart from a few clips of the early Rolling Stones days I didn't take much notice of, I've only ever known Mick Jagger as the 'wrinkley rocker' But WOW he looked amazing in this, fantastic movie as well!
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail-R.W Emerson
Not true, there are hundreds of celebs/pop stars/ sports stars that I don't find the slightest bit attractive! In fact I don't buy into the whole cult of celebrity thing in the slightest!
It's just that Mick Jagger looked gorgeous in this, regardless of the character he played & how you might feel if that fictional character lived next door!
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail-R.W Emerson
Oh yes... Mick was in his artsy prime... God this film brings me back... All the pretty boys. I think this film sort of led me into the path of decadence, glitter/punk rock, beautiful boys, and general social undevelopment that led me to form a band and lead a different sort of life.
But now that I have just watched it again, on a big screen, I remember the days when sex and drugs and rock and roll and art and culture were all mixed together into this kind of crazy wild lifestyle thing....
And it made me realize how dull and ultra ultra conservative the world has become since those days!!! God, most of the people that would watch this now would just complain because their stupid kids couldn't watch it.
I was so happy when I actually saw the film RATED X, like thank god, not some PG rated boring piece of Hollywood trash....
Oh Gosh... I just wish I could have been alive int he 60's, 70's and be this age ( 19). I would have loved to marry Mick Jagger and be apart of the whole experiemntal film , art, and rock moments.I want to see this movie, anyone know where I could get my hands on it??????