
This film is astounding in it's achievement.

Throughout this film it is really impressive to see how they pulled it off: The amount of soldiers marching, the amount of animals, the amount of tanks and other war machinery in action on screen, the explosions, the soldiers fighting. Everything worked so well. The dialogue was great.

I usually avoid films about war, simply because I hate war. However I was fascinated by General Patton. George Scott did a great job. And they showed quite a few sides to Patton, which was great.

Great film.


I agree...this one was of the films I finally watched after my dad passed away 7 years ago (I think it was part of my "grieving process" dad had a somewhat hidden affinity for Hollywood and movies...he served in Korea also, and was a big fan of Patton).

It's a great movie. I wished I had watched it with my dad while he was still alive. I love that a lot of this movie takes place's almost like you can feel the cold at times. I also agree that George C. Scott was great in this.


I'm sorry for your loss.
