Greatest Film of all time and greatest Male-performance of all time?
Do you agree??
James Berardinelli named Patton as "The Greatest Film of all-time" and also the "the greatest Male Acting Performance ever bar-none".
[See the top100 list here:]
So my question is do you think the movie is underrated. I mean many people know this movie and is included in the all-time greatest lists frequently but underrated in the sense- that it isnt a top 5-ish movie like I mean along with the top names like The Godfather and all the other movies that are on the top 10?
Also do you think George Scott's performance is underrated? It is in the public's mind as a great performance also included at #82 in Premier Magazine's 100 Greatest Performances and is also infamous for his refusal to accept the Oscar. But generally when someone is asked "THE greatest acting performance" DeNiro's Raging Bull and Al Pacino in Godfather comes into mind. Not many ppl will think of George C. Scott as George Patton. So in that sense is it underrated in your view?