Yeah I Remember This.

This used to be on tv all the time, as a kid growing up in the 70's it was always on and I'd catch it on one channel or another. Don't know if I ever saw the entire thing straight through, it was kind of a boring movie and my attention span for these types of movies as a child wasn't all that great.

Thing is I did feel sorry for the poor guy, it really must have sucked. Reading the details of the plot on some site made me realize I missed a lot of what was going on. The thing is I grasped the basic premise but I lost sight of everything else that followed, after all like I said it wasn't terribly exicting.....or good to me anyway but now that I happened on this I feel a bit nostalgic now for the good ol' days. Wonder what would watching this all these years later would be like. Cheers!


Funny how people differ. I saw this when I was eight, and I was riveted. Some of it was over my head, but the film really spoke to me.


I only saw it for the first time recently, but I agree, I was riveted. Especially with Terence Stamp's performance. You know the character of Soames had the potential to be a bit embarrassing but Stamp plays him with such unpretentious innocence. You can't help but worry for Soames and what will happen to him.

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