I liked the movie, but ONE scene CONFUSED me
where was she? when they had that serious argument, then she runs off and he goes all over the city trying to find her.
where did she go?
She then says to him, "Love means never having to say you're sorry."
I thought that was a poignant, memorable, and great line.
I honestly don't see how anyone can hate this movie.
I thought it was amusing to see their interactions with each other; esp. @ the beginning of the movie while courting.
It was entertaining to see them exchanging wise quips.
The ending was sad, but a tad lackluster.
I DID think his soliloquoy was powerful @ the end. I just didn't like the way it ended.
When she goes to the hospital and he holds her while she passes away that was just really sad & heart-breaking.
Then he leaves the room & runs into his father-in-law and matter of factly with sadness in his voice says, "She's gone."
That was really heart-breaking.
"It's a good thing!"--Martha Stewart